Wikipedia:WikiProject Music theory/AOTMnom

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Information about Nominating an AOTM

Nominate an article of the month (AOTM) here. There are several rules for a successful nomination of an AOTM in WikiProject Music theory.

  1. The article must be assessed under the scope of WikiProject Music theory.
  2. The article must have not been a previous AOTM.
  3. Nominations can be discussed by any WikiProject Music theory member using this page's discussion page.
  4. Simple majority will determine the AOTM. When a simple majority cannot be reached, the project coordinator (or appointed project member) will make the final assessment.

When creating new months, please insert them so the older months are at the bottom of the page. Thank you!


February 2012

January 2012

December 2011