Wikipedia:WikiProject Physics/Missing physics topics/Mechanics

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Missing Physics topics: Mechanics and Friction


  • Aberrancy of Curvature - (
  • )
  • Angle of external friction - ()
  • Angle of fall - ()
  • Angle of impact - ()
  • Angle of rest - ()
  • Angle of wall friction angle of external friction - ()
  • Angular travel error - ()
  • Ascending branch - ()
  • angle of elevation - (
  • )
  • Astroballistics - ()
  • Asymmetric top - ()
  • Axial load - ()
  • Axial moment of inertia - (
  • )
  • Axis of torsion - ()
  • Axis of twist - ()
  • Barycentric energy - ()
  • Betti's method - ()
  • Bobillier's law - ()
  • Body cone polhode cone - ()
  • Boussinesq's problem - (
  • )
  • Bow's notation - ()
  • Brachiating motion - (
  • )
  • Brake thermal efficiency - (
  • )
  • Bulk modulus of elasticity - (
  • )
  • Canonical equation of motion - (
  • )
  • Cantilever vibration - ()
  • castigliano's theorem - (
  • )
  • Center of attraction - ()
  • Center of force - (
  • )
  • Center of suspension - ()
  • Center-of-momentum coordinate system - ()
  • Centimeter of mercury - ()
  • Central orbit - ()
  • Centrifugal barrier - ()
  • Centrifugal moment - ()
  • Centrobaric - ()
  • Boussinesq's problem - (
  • )
  • Chapman-Jouquet plane - (
  • )
  • Closed pair - ()
  • Coefficient of compressibility - (
  • )
  • Coefficient of friction of rest - ()
  • Coefficient of rigidity - ()
  • Coefficient of rolling friction - (
  • )
  • Coefficient of sliding friction - (
  • )
  • Coefficient of strain - ()
  • Cohesive strength - ()
  • elastic constant - (
  • )
  • Condensation (mechanics) - ()
  • Cone of friction - ()
  • Conservative force field - (
  • )
  • Continuity of state - ()
  • Curvilinear motion - ()
  • Damping constant - (
  • )
  • Deflecting torque - (
  • )
  • Deformation ellipsoid strain ellipsoid - ()
  • Delauney orbit element - ()
  • Descent trajectory - ()
  • Dieterici equation of state - (
  • )
  • Differential effects differential effect - ()
  • Differential motion - ()
  • Elastic aftereffect elastic lag - ()
  • Elastic axis - ()
  • Elastic body - (
  • )
  • Elastic buckling - (
  • )
  • Elastic center - ()
  • stiffness constant - (
  • )
  • Elastic curve - (
  • )
  • Elastic equilibrium - ()
  • Elastic failure - ()
  • Elastic flow - ()
  • Elastic force - (
  • )
  • Elastic hysteresis - (
  • )
  • Elastic ratio - ()
  • Elastic recovery - ()
  • elastic body - (
  • )
  • Elastic strain energy - (
  • )
  • Elastic theory - (
  • )
  • Elastic vibration - ()
  • elastoplasticity - ()
  • End play - ()
  • End stop - ()
  • Endurance ratio, fatigue ratio - ()
  • Energy ellipsoid, moment ellipsoid - ()
  • Energy integral - ()
  • Entering angle - ()
  • Equal-arm balance - ()
  • Equilibrant - ()
  • Equivalent bending moment - ()
  • Equivalent twisting moment - ()
  • Equivalent viscous damping - ()
  • Exterior ballistics - (
  • )
  • External force - ()
  • Falling body - (
  • )
  • Fatigue life - (
  • )
  • Firmoviscosity - ()
  • Fixed end - (
  • )
  • Fixed-end moment, fixing moment - ()
  • Fixing moment - ()
  • Flat trajectory - ()
  • Flexure theory - ()
  • Flow curve - ()
  • Fluid stress - ()
  • Flying start - ()
  • Foot (mechanics) - ()
  • Force polygon - (
  • )
  • Fracture wear - ()
  • Free falling - (
  • )
  • Free-flight angle - ()
  • Frequency of collision - (
  • )
  • Frictional grip - ()
  • Funicular polygon - (
  • )
  • Gear loading - ()
  • Gear pound - ()
  • Gear up - ()
  • Glug - (
  • )
  • Graphical statics - ()
  • Griffith's criterion - (
  • )
  • Gyrodynamics - ()
  • Gyroscopics - (
  • )
  • Helical angle - ()
  • Homogenous strain - (
  • )
  • Hookean deformation - ()
  • Hookean solid - (
  • )
  • bulk modulus of elasticity - (
  • )
  • Impulsive force - ()
  • Inelastic buckling - ()
  • Inertia matrix - (
  • )
  • Inextensional deformation - ()
  • Instantaneous axis - ()
  • Instantaneous recovery - ()
  • Instantaneous strain - ()
  • Interior ballistics - (
  • )
  • Internal force - ()
  • Invariable line - ()
  • Isodynamic - ()
  • Isostatic surface - ()
  • Isostatics - ()
  • Kelvin body - ()
  • Kennedy and Pancu circle - ()
  • Kinematically admissible motion - ()
  • Kinetic equilibrium - ()
  • Kinetic potential - (
  • )
  • Kirkwood-Brinkely's theory - ()
  • Kolosov-Muskhelishvili formulas - ()
  • Krigar-Menzel law - ()
  • Laboratory coordinate system - ()
  • Lagrange-Hamilton theory - ()
  • Lanchester's rule - ()
  • Land measure - ()
  • Larson-Miller parameter - (
  • )
  • Law of corresponding times - ()
  • Least-energy principle - ()
  • Line of fall - ()
  • Line of thrust - ()
  • longitudinal strain - (
  • )
  • Local buckling - ()
  • Local structural discontinuity - ()
  • Localized vector - ()
  • Longitudinal vibration - ()
  • Material particle - ()
  • Maximum angle of inclination - ()
  • Maximum ordinate - ()
  • Maxwell's stress functions - (
  • )
  • Mechanical hysteresis - ()
  • Mechanical ohm - ()
  • Mechanical property - ()
  • Mechanical property - ()
  • Mechanical rotational impedance rotational impedance - ()
  • Mechanical rotational reactance rotational reactance - ()
  • Mechanical rotational resistance rotational resistance - ()
  • Mechanomotive force - ()
  • Melt fracture - ()
  • Melt instability - ()
  • Membrane stress - ()
  • Mersenne's law - ()
  • Metarheology - ()
  • Metric centner - ()
  • bulk modulus of elasticity - (
  • )
  • Modulus of decay - ()
  • Modulus of deformation - ()
  • Modulus of elasticity in shear - ()
  • Modulus of resilience - (
  • )
  • Modulus of rupture in bending - (
  • )
  • Modulus of rupture in torsion - ()
  • Modulus of single longitudinal extension axial modulus - ()
  • Modulus of volume elasticity - ()
  • Mohm - ()
  • Momental ellipsoid - ()
  • Morera's stress functions - (
  • )
  • Moving constraint - ()
  • Muskhelisvili's method - ()
  • Navier's equation - ()
  • Negative acceleration - ()
  • Negative g - (
  • )
  • Negative rake - (
  • )
  • Neutral fiber - ()
  • Neutral surface - (
  • )
  • Newtonian attraction - (
  • )
  • Newtonian velocity - ()
  • Newton-meter of torque - (
  • )
  • Nonrelativistic mechanics - (
  • )
  • Normal axis - ()
  • Normal frequencies Normal frequency - ()
  • Normal impact - ()
  • Normal mode of vibration - (
  • )
  • Normal reaction - (
  • )
  • Nozzle efficiency - ()
  • Octahedral normal stress - (
  • )
  • Octahedral shear stress - (
  • )
  • Offset yield strength - ()
  • Opening pressure - ()
  • Overfire draft - ()
  • Palpable coordinate - ()
  • Particle energy - ()
  • Permanent axis - ()
  • Permanent set - (
  • ) (Elongation of a bolt from which it will not recover when the force is removed)
  • Pile formula - ()
  • Pitch acceleration - ()
  • Pitch axis, pitching axis - ()
  • Plane lamina - ()
  • Plane of departure - ()
  • Plane of maximum shear stress - (
  • )
  • Plane of yaw - (
  • )
  • Plastic collision - ()
  • Plasticoviscosity - ()
  • Plate modulus - ()
  • Plenum blower assembly - ()
  • Pli - ()
  • Poincare surface of section - (
  • )
  • Poinsot motion - (
  • )
  • Poinsot's central axis - (
  • )
  • Poinsot's method - (
  • )
  • Point of contraflexure - (
  • )
  • Positive acceleration - ()
  • Precessional torque - ()
  • Pressure-travel curve - ()
  • Primary creep - ()
  • Principal plane of stress - ()
  • Principle of dynamical similarity - (
  • )
  • Proof resilience - ()
  • Proportional elastic limit - ()
  • Pull strength - ()
  • Pure shear - ()
  • Relative momentum - ()
  • Revolution (mechanics) - ()
  • Rotation coefficient - ()
  • Routh's rule
  • Static moment - ()
  • Static reaction - ()
  • Three-point problem - ()
  • Translation (mechanics) - ()
  • Variable force - ()
  • Friction

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