Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Vanderbilt University/Contemporary Anthropological Theory (Spring 2024)

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Course name
Contemporary Anthropological Theory
Vanderbilt University
Carwil Bjork-James
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2024-01-08 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-04-29 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course will introduce and interrogate a variety of ideas that underlie and inform the work of anthropologists in recent decades. Contemporary anthropology draws both on its own disciplinary tradition and its voracious appetite for ideas from the fields of philosophy, history, sociology, and political science, and from the reflection that takes place in movements like feminism and anticolonialism, among other sources.

As part of the course, students will write an encyclopedia article entry on a notable piece of writing, theoretical concept, author, or controversy.

Student Assigned Reviewing
HegelianMonkey Educational anthropology
French Fromage White Rage
El Mono Hegeliano Manuel Zapata Olivella
January292024 Linguistic racism