480s BC

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article concerns the period 489 BC – 480 BC.


489 BC

By place

  • After his great victory in the
    and put in prison where he dies of wounds received at Paros.
  • The Athenian soldier and statesman, Aristides (the Just), is made chief archon of Athens.

488 BC

By place


487 BC

By place

  • The island of
    , tries unsuccessfully to arrange a truce in the war.
  • The Athenian Archonship becomes elective by lot from all the citizens, an important milestone in the move towards radical Athenian democracy. There are nine archons and a secretary. Three of the archons have special functions: the basileus, or sovereign; the polemarch (originally a military commander); and the archon eponymous (chief magistrate), who gave his name to the year.
  • First known use of ostracism, an instrument created in 508 by Cleisthenes which enabled the electorate to banish for ten years any citizen deemed to be a threat to democracy. It was intended, therefore, as a safeguard against tyranny. An ostracism could be held annually providing a quorum of 6,000 was achieved but, apparently, the Assembly declined to invoke it until 487 when there was a popular reaction against Hipparchos the Pisistradid who had been the peace party archon in 496. He was the first of several citizens to be ostracised through the fifth century.[1]

486 BC

By place

Persian Empire
  • Xerxes
    , who reduces Egypt to the status of a conquered province.
Roman Republic

By topic


485 BC

By place

Persian Empire
  • Gelo, the tyrant of Gela, takes advantage of an appeal by the descendants of the first colonist of Syracuse, the Gamoroi, who had held power until they were expelled by the Killichiroi, the lower class of the city. He makes himself master of that city, leaving his brother Hieron
    to control Gela.

484 BC

By place

Persian Empire
= By topic =

483 BC

By place

Persian empire
  • Darius I suffered at the hands of the Greeks at Marathon in 490 BC. In response, Xerxes prepares for a major expedition to crush the Greeks. To avoid a repeat of the significant losses to the Persian fleet that occurred in 492 BC, Xerxes has a canal cut through the promontory of Mount Athos
  • The Athenian
    become the site of a rich strike, Themistocles persuades the assembly, instead of "declaring a dividend," to devote the whole surplus to increasing the navy to a proposed 200 ships.

482 BC

By place

  • The Athenian archon Themistocles secures the ostracism of his opponents and becomes the political leader of Athens. The Athenian soldier and statesman, Aristides, is one of those ostracised due to his opposition to Themistocles' naval policy.[6][7]

481 BC

By place

Persian Empire
  • The
    Gelo, tyrant of Syracuse, wants high command, but Sparta and Athens refuse. However, during the Congress, Gelo has to withdraw due to Carthage's plans to invade Sicily. Finally, Themistocles agrees that Athens' navy serve under a Spartan admiral to achieve the unity of the Greek states. Nevertheless, Thebes and Thessaly are unwilling to support Athens against the Persians and Crete
    decides to remain neutral.

480 BC

By place

Persian empire

By topic



487 BC

485 BC

  • Herodotus, Greek historian, is estimated to be born this year.[12]
  • Some sources place the birth of Euripides in this year, though the more traditional date is 480.[13]

484 BC

481 BC

480 BC


489 BC

486 BC

485 BC

484 BC

483 BC

  • 563 BC

481 BC

480 BC


  1. ^ Bury & Meiggs, page 164.
  2. .
  3. . Retrieved 2022-09-22.
  4. Ab urbe condita
    , 2.42
  5. .
  6. ^ "Plutarch • Life of Themistocles". penelope.uchicago.edu. Retrieved 2024-05-19.
  7. .
  8. ^ Durrant, Li, Schaberg, Stephen, Wai-yee, David (2016). Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan: Commentary on the “Spring and Autumn Annals.”. University of Washington Press.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ "Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 2, chapter 42". www.perseus.tufts.edu. Retrieved 2024-05-19.
  10. ^ "Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 2, chapter 42". www.perseus.tufts.edu. Retrieved 2024-05-19.
  11. .
  12. ^ "Introduction: The Life of Euripides", Brill's Companion to the Reception of Euripides, BRILL, p. 12, 2015-01-01, retrieved 2022-09-23
  13. ^ Smith, William, ed. (1873). "A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, Hero'dotus". www.perseus.tufts.edu. London: John Murray. Retrieved 2023-08-05.
  14. , retrieved 2023-09-07
  15. ^ "Heraclitus". Encyclopædia Britannica. February 2, 2024. Retrieved February 24, 2024.