Chalukya dynasty

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Chalukya dynasty
• 543–566
Pulakeshin I
• 746–753
Kirtivarman II
• Earliest records
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kadamba dynasty
Vakataka dynasty
Rashtrakuta dynasty
Eastern Chalukyas
Today part ofIndia

The Chalukya dynasty (

Western Chalukyas, in the late 10th century. These Western Chalukyas ruled from Kalyani (modern Basavakalyan
) until the end of the 12th century.

The rule of the Chalukyas marks an important milestone in the history of

Jain and Veerashaiva traditions. The 11th century saw the patronage of Telugu literature
under the Eastern Chalukyas.


Natives of Karnataka

Old Kannada inscription of Chalukya King Mangalesha dated 578 AD at Badami cave temple no.3
Old Kannada inscription on victory pillar, Virupaksha Temple, Pattadakal, 733–745 AD

While opinions vary regarding the early origins of the Chalukyas, the consensus among noted historians such as John Keay, D.C. Sircar, Hans Raj, S. Sen, Kamath, K. V. Ramesh and Karmarkar is that the founders of the empire at Badami were native to the modern Karnataka region.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

A theory that they were descendants of a 2nd-century chieftain called Kandachaliki Remmanaka, a feudatory of the Andhra Ikshvaku (from an Ikshvaku inscription of the 2nd century) was put forward. This according to Kamath has failed to explain the difference in lineage. The Kandachaliki feudatory call themselves Vashisthiputras of the Hiranyakagotra. The Chalukyas, however, address themselves as Harithiputras of Manavyasagotra in their inscriptions, which is the same lineage as their early overlords, the Kadambas of Banavasi. This makes them descendants of the Kadambas. The Chalukyas took control of the territory formerly ruled by the Kadambas.[14]

A later record of Eastern Chalukyas mentions the northern origin theory and claims one ruler of Ayodhya came south, defeated the Pallavas and married a Pallava princess. She had a child called Vijayaditya who is claimed to be the Pulakeshin I's father. However, according to the historians K. V. Ramesh, Chopra and Sastri, there are Badami Chalukya inscriptions that confirm Jayasimha was Pulakeshin I's grandfather and Ranaraga, his father.[15][16][17][18] Kamath and Moraes claim it was a popular practice in the 11th century to link South Indian royal family lineage to a Northern kingdom. The Badami Chalukya records themselves are silent with regards to the Ayodhya origin.[19][20]

While the northern origin theory has been dismissed by many historians, the epigraphist K. V. Ramesh has suggested that an earlier southern migration is a distinct possibility which needs examination.

Kashmiri poet Bilhana suggests the Chalukya family belonged to the Shudra while other sources claim they were born in the arms of Brahma, and hence were Kshatriya caste.[22] According to Xuanzang, the Chalukya king Pulakeshin II was war-like and loved "military arts", because he was a Kshatriya by birth.[23]

The historians Jan Houben and Kamath, and the epigraphist D.C. Sircar note the Badami Chalukya

Rashtrakuta inscriptions call the Chalukyas of Badami Karnatakabala ("Power of Karnataka").[29] It has been proposed by the historian S. C. Nandinath that the word "Chalukya" originated from Salki or Chalki which is a Kannada word for an agricultural implement.[30][31][32] According to some historians, the Chalukyas originated from agriculturists.[32][30]

Historical sources

Inscriptions in Sanskrit and Kannada are the main source of information about Badami Chalukya history. Among them, the

Aihole inscription of Pulakeshin II (634) are examples of important Sanskrit inscriptions written in old Kannada script.[35][36][37]
The reign of the Chalukyas saw the arrival of Kannada as the predominant language of inscriptions along with Sanskrit, in areas of the Indian peninsula outside what is known as
Tamilakam (Tamil country).[38] Several coins of the Badami Chalukyas with Kannada legends have been found. All this indicates that Kannada language flourished during this period.[39]

Coinage of the Chalukyas of Badami. Uncertain ruler. c. 597–757 AD. Boar and Temple type.

Travelogues of contemporary foreign travellers have provided useful information about the Chalukyan empire. The Chinese traveller

Khosrau II exchanged ambassadors with Pulakeshin II.[42][43][44]


Court poets of the Western Chalukya dynasty of Kalyani narrate:

"Once when Brahma, the creator, was engaged in the performance of the sandhya (twilight) rituals, Indra approached and beseeched him to create a hero who could put to an end the increasing evil on earth. On being thus requested, Brahma looked steadily into the Chuluka-jala (the water of oblation in his palm) and out sprang thence a great warrior, the progenitor of the Chalukyas".
Sapta Matrikas
("seven divine mothers") and were worshippers of many gods including Siva, Vishnu, Chamundi, Surya, Kubera, Parvati, Vinayaka and Kartikeya.

Some scholars connect the Chalukyas with the Chaulukyas (Solankis) of Gujarat.[46] According to a myth mentioned in latter manuscripts of Prithviraj Raso, Chaulukyas were born out of fire-pit (Agnikund) at Mount Abu. However it has been reported that the story of Agnikula is not mentioned at all in the original version of the Prithviraj Raso preserved in the Fort Library at Bikaner.[47]

According to the Nilagunda inscription of King Vikramaditya VI (11th century or later), the Chalukyas originally hailed from Ayodhya where fifty-nine kings ruled, and later, sixteen more of this family ruled from South India where they had migrated. This is repeated by his court poet Bilhana, who claims that the first member of the family, "Chalukya", was so named as he was born in the "hollow of the hands" of God Brahma.[48][49] Some genealogical accounts point to an Ayodhya origin and claim that the Chalukyas belonged to the Solar dynasty.[50][51][52]

According to a theory put forward by Lewis, the Chalukya were descendants of the "

Pallavas. However, this theory has been rejected by Kamath as it seeks to build lineages based simply on similar-sounding clan names.[53]

Periods in Chalukya history

The Chalukyas ruled over the

Western Chalukyas or "Later Chalukyas") and the "Chalukyas of Vengi" (also called Eastern Chalukyas

Chalukyas of Badami

Bhutanatha temple complex, at Badami

In the 6th century, with the decline of the

Bagalkot district, Karnataka) under his control and made it his capital. Pulakeshin I and his descendants are referred to as "Chalukyas of Badami". They ruled over an empire that comprised the entire state of Karnataka and most of Andhra Pradesh
in the Deccan.

Pulakeshin II, whose pre-coronation name was Ereya,

Narasimhavarman however reversed this victory in 642 by attacking and occupying Badami temporarily. It is presumed Pulakeshin II, "the great hero", died fighting.[43][70]

The Badami Chalukya dynasty went into a brief decline following the death of Pulakeshin II due to internal feuds when Badami was occupied by the Pallavas for a period of thirteen years.[71][72] It recovered during the reign of Vikramaditya I, who succeeded in pushing the Pallavas out of Badami and restoring order to the empire. Vikramaditya I took the title "Rajamalla" (lit "Sovereign of the Mallas" or Pallavas).[73] The thirty-seven year rule of Vijayaditya (696–733) was a prosperous one and is known for prolific temple building activity.[74][75]

The empire was its peak again during the rule of the illustrious

Rashtrakuta King Dantidurga in 753.[82] At their peak, the Chalukyas ruled a vast empire stretching from the Kaveri in the south to the Narmada
in the north.

Chalukyas of Kalyani

The Chalukyas revived their fortunes in 973 after over 200 years of dormancy when much of the Deccan was under the rule of the Rashtrakutas. The genealogy of the kings of this empire is still debated. One theory, based on contemporary literary and inscriptional evidence plus the finding that the Western Chalukyas employed titles and names commonly used by the early Chalukyas, suggests that the Western Chalukya kings belonged to the same family line as the illustrious Badami

Chalukya dynasty of the 6th century[83][84] while other Western Chalukya inscriptional evidence indicates they were a distinct line unrelated to the Early Chalukyas.[85]

Chalukyas of Vengi

Pulakeshin II conquered the eastern Deccan, corresponding to the coastal districts of modern

Vishnukundina kingdom. He appointed his brother Kubja Vishnuvardhana as Viceroy in 621.[97][98] Thus the Eastern Chalukyas were originally of Kannada stock.[99] After the death of Pulakeshin II, the Vengi Viceroyalty developed into an independent kingdom and included the region between Nellore and Visakhapatnam.[98][100]

After the decline of the Badami Chalukya empire in the mid-8th century, territorial disputes flared up between the Rashtrakutas, the new rulers of the western deccan, and the Eastern Chalukyas. For much of the next two centuries, the Eastern Chalukyas had to accept subordination towards the Rashtrakutas.[101] Apart from a rare military success, such as the one by Vijayaditya II(c.808–847), it was only during the rule of Bhima I (c.892–921) that these Chalukyas were able to celebrate a measure of independence. After the death of Bhima I, the Andhra region once again saw succession disputes and interference in Vengi affairs by the Rashtrakutas.[101]

The fortunes of the Eastern Chalukyas took a turn around 1000. Danarnava, their king, was killed in battle in 973 by the Telugu Choda King Bhima who then imposed his rule over the region for twenty-seven years. During this time, Danarnava's two sons took refuge in the

Rajaraja Chola I.[102] This new relationship between the Cholas and the coastal Andhra kingdom was unacceptable to the Western Chalukyas, who had by then replaced the Rashtrakutas as the main power in the western Deccan. The Western Chalukyas sought to brook the growing Chola influence in the Vengi region but were unsuccessful.[101][103]

Initially, the Eastern Chalukyas had encouraged Kannada language and literature, though, after a period of time, local factors took over and they gave importance to Telugu language.[104][105] Telugu literature owes its growth to the Eastern Chalukyas.[106]


Virupaksha temple in Dravidian style at Pattadakal, built 740 CE

The Badami Chalukya era was an important period in the development of South Indian architecture. The kings of this dynasty were called Umapati Varlabdh and built many temples for the Hindu god Shiva.

Badami, Pattadakal and Mahakuta in modern Karnataka state.[112]

Their temple building activity can be categorised into three phases. The early phase began in the last quarter of the 6th century and resulted in many cave temples, prominent among which are three elementary cave temples at Aihole (one

verandah, a columned hall (mantapa) and a cella (shrine, cut deep into rock) which contains the deity of worship.[114] In Badami, three caves temples are Vedic and one in Jain. The Vedic temples contain large well sculpted images of Harihara, Mahishasuramardhini, Varaha, Narasimha, Trivikrama, Vishnu seated on Anantha (the snake) and Nataraja (dancing Shiva).[115]

The second phase of temple building was at Aihole (where some seventy structures exist and has been called "one of the cradles of Indian temple architecture"

vestibule) crowned with a barrel-vaulted tower (sukhanasi). The "staggered" base plan of the temple became popular much later, in the 11th century.[121][122]

The structural temples at Pattadakal, built in the 8th century and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, marks the culmination and mature phase of Badami Chalukyan architecture. The Bhutanatha group of temples at Badami are also from this period. There are ten temples at Pattadakal, six in southern dravida style and four in the northern nagara style. Well known among these are the Sangamesvara Temple (725), the Virupaksha Temple (740–745) and the Mallikarjuna Temple (740–745) in the southern style. The Papanatha temple (680) and Galaganatha Temple (740) are early attempts in the nagara – dravida fusion style.[123] Inscriptional evidence suggests that the Virupaksha and the Mallikarjuna Temples were commissioned by the two queens of King Vikramaditya II after his military success over the Pallavas of Kanchipuram.[118] Some well known names of Chalukyan architects are Revadi Ovajja, Narasobba and Anivarita Gunda.[124]

The reign of Western Chalukyas was an important period in the development of Deccan architecture. Their architecture served as a conceptual link between the Badami Chalukya architecture of the 8th century and the

Tungabhadra region of modern Karnataka state, encompassing the present-day Dharwad district; it included areas of present-day Haveri and Gadag districts.[127][128] Here, large medieval workshops built numerous monuments.[129] These monuments, regional variants of pre-existing dravida temples, defined the Karnata dravida tradition.[130]

The most notable of the many buildings dating from this period are the

Dodda Basappa Temple at Dambal (Gadag district),[137][138] the Siddhesvara Temple at Haveri (Haveri district),[139][140] and the Amrtesvara Temple at Annigeri (Dharwad district).[141][142] The Eastern Chalukyas built some fine temples at Alampur, in modern eastern Andhra Pradesh.[113][143]

  • Bahubali at Jain Cave temple No. 4 at Badami, 6th century
    Bahubali at Jain Cave temple No. 4 at Badami, 6th century
  • Vishnu image in Cave temple No. 3
    Vishnu image in Cave temple No. 3
  • Bhutanatha group of temples facing the Badami tank
    Bhutanatha group of temples facing the Badami tank
  • The Parvati Temple, located about 140 km southeast to the Badami
    The Parvati Temple, located about 140 km southeast to the Badami
  • Aihole – Durga Temple Front View
    Aihole – Durga Temple Front View
  • Aihole – Meguti Jain Temple
    Aihole – Meguti Jain Temple
  • Mallikarjuna temple in dravidian style and Kashi Vishwanatha temple in nagara style at Pattadakal, built 740 CE
    Mallikarjuna temple in dravidian style and Kashi Vishwanatha temple in nagara style at Pattadakal, built 740 CE
  • Dancing Shiva in cave no. 1 in Badami
    Dancing Shiva in cave no. 1 in Badami
  • Papanatha temple at Pattadakal – fusion of southern and northern Indian styles, 680 CE
    Papanatha temple at Pattadakal – fusion of southern and northern Indian styles, 680 CE


Poetry on stone at the Meguti temple (Aihole inscription) dated 634 AD, in Sanskrit language and old Kannada script, with a Kannada language endorsement of about the same date at the bottom.[24]


encyclopaedia of all arts and sciences called Manasollasa.[146]

From the period of the Badami Chalukyas, references are made to the existence of Kannada literature, though not much has survived.[147] Inscriptions however refer to Kannada as the "natural language".[148] The Kappe Arabhatta record of c. 700 in tripadi (three line) metre is the earliest available work in Kannada poetics.[149][150] Karnateshwara Katha, which was quoted later by Jayakirti, is believed to be a eulogy of Pulakeshin II and to have belonged to this period.[150] Other probable Kannada writers, whose works are not extant now but titles of which are known from independent references[151] are Syamakundacharya (650), who is said to have authored the Prabhrita, and Srivaradhadeva (also called Tumubuluracharya, 650 or earlier), the possible author of the Chudamani ("Crest Jewel"), a lengthy commentary on logic.[147][152][153][154]

The rule of the Western and Eastern Chalukyas, however, is a major event in the history of Kannada and Telugu literatures respectively. By the 9th–10th centuries, Kannada language had already seen some of its most notable writers. The "three gems" of

Sri Ponna and Ranna belonged to this period.[155][156] In the 11th century, Telugu literature was born under the patronage of the Eastern Chalukyas with Nannaya Bhatta as its first writer.[156][157]

Badami Chalukya country


The army was well organised and this was the reason for Pulakeshin II's success beyond the Vindyas.

Hiuen-Tsiang wrote that the Chalukyan army had hundreds of elephants which were intoxicated with liquor prior to battle.[43][159] It was with their navy that they conquered Revatidvipa (Goa), and Puri on east coast of India. Rashtrakuta inscriptions use the term Karnatakabala when referring to the powerful Chalukya armies.[160][161]

Land governance

The government, at higher levels, was closely modelled after the

Gangas, the Banas and the Sendrakas.[163] Local assemblies and guilds looked after local issues. Groups of mahajanas (learned brahmins) looked after agraharas (called ghatika or "place of higher learning") such as at Badami which was served by 2000 mahajans and Aihole which was served by 500 mahajanas. Taxes were levied and were called the herjunka – tax on loads, the kirukula – tax on retail goods in transit, the bilkode – sales tax, the pannaya – betel tax, siddaya – land tax and the vaddaravula – tax levied to support royalty.[163]


The Badami Chalukyas minted coins that were of a different standard compared to the coins of the northern kingdoms.[164] The coins had Nagari and Kannada legends.[25] The coins of Mangalesha had the symbol of a temple on the obverse and a 'sceptre between lamps' or a temple on the reverse. Pulakeshin II's coins had a caparisoned lion facing right on the obverse and a temple on the reverse. The coins weighed 4 grams and were called, in old-Kannada, hun (or honnu) and had fractions such as fana (or fanam) and the quarter fana (the modern day Kannada equivalent being hana – which literally means "money").[165] A gold coin called gadyana is mentioned in a record at the Vijayeshwara Temple at Pattadakal, which later came to be known as varaha (their royal emblem).[164]


Vaishnava Cave temple No. 3 at Badami, 578 AD


Lakshmeshwar in the Gadag district
) were primary places of learning.



basadi called Anesajjebasadi constructed at Puligere,[172] and the queens of Vikramaditya II, Lokamahadevi and Trailokyamahadevi made grants and possibly consecrated the Lokesvara Temple (now called Virupaksha temple) but also and the Mallikarjuna temple respectively at Pattadakal.[173]

In popular culture

The Chalukya era may be seen as the beginning of the fusion of cultures of northern and southern India, making way for the transmission of ideas between the two regions. This is seen clearly in the field of architecture. The Chalukyas spawned the Vesara style of architecture which includes elements of the northern nagara and southern dravida styles. During this period, the expanding Sanskritic culture mingled with local

, later spreading into northern India.

A celebration called Chalukya utsava, a three-day festival of music and dance, organised by the

Chief Minister of Karnataka. Singers, dancers, poets and other artists from all over the country take part in this event. In the 26 February 2006 celebration, 400 art troupes took part in the festivities. Colorful cutouts of the Varaha the Chalukya emblem, Satyashraya Pulakeshin (Pulakeshin II), famous sculptural masterpieces such as Durga, Mahishasuramardhini (Durga killing demon Mahishasura) were present everywhere. The program at Pattadakal is named Anivaritacharigund vedike after the famous architect of the Virupaksha temple, Gundan Anivaritachari. At Badami it is called Chalukya Vijayambika Vedike and at Aihole, Ravikirti Vedike after the famous poet and minister (Ravikirti) in the court of Pulakeshin II. Immadi Pulikeshi, a Kannada movie of the 1960s starring Dr. Rajkumar celebrates the life and times of the great king.[176]

See also