English language in Northern England

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Southern England and Scottish dialects.[1]

The spoken English language in Northern England has been shaped by the region's history of settlement and migration, and today encompasses a group of related accents and dialects known as Northern England English (or, simply, Northern (English) in the United Kingdom).[2][3]

The terms 'accent' and 'dialect' are broadly defined terms in the English language,[4] this article strives to comply with these accepted definitions. This article largely focuses on accents. Most current language differences in the north of England are arguably accent orientated, though there are some clear historical influences from older true dialects that are no longer in common use.[5][6][7][8] Certain 'local words' and speech patterns certainly are inherited from older dialects that existed in the area.[9][10]

Well-known accents and dialects in the United Kingdom are Cockney, Welsh English, Yorkshire, Scouse and Scottish English; in modern Britain, these differ largely through word pronunciations, though vocabulary differences certainly still exist. These accents are not typically notable when speakers with such accents/dialects write in standard English.[11]

An accent can be thought of as a subpart of a dialect and a dialect is a subpart of a language.[12][13] The term 'dialectology' is also used in some academic studies relating to accent/dialect studies.[14]

In the context of this article, an exhibit of the relationship between key terminology is as follows:

Manchester Local Accent - Regional Dialect - British English Language.

Examples of recognized dialects that are in current use:

Chinese dialects, these dialects focus on word pronunciation, vocabulary and deeper linguistic structure and are distinctive from their parent/stem dialect-language in both the spoken and written forms of the language. Dialects may also be associated with other non-linguistic cultural attributes such as 'perceived social or educational status'.[15][16]

Another more extreme example is Afrikaans and Dutch - though seen as distinctive languages they are largely mutually intelligible and serve as an interesting model for how languages develop and language dialects fork when a population is geographically isolated or comes into contact with other language groups.[17]

The strongest influence on the modern varieties of the

Irish English following the Great Famine, particularly in Lancashire and the south of Yorkshire, and Midlands dialects since the Industrial Revolution, all of which having produced new and distinctive styles of speech.[18][19]

There are traditional dialects associated with many of the

urbanisation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.[20]

Northern England's urban areas have numerous distinctive accents[21] There are unique expressions and terms that are very local, and arguably were once aligned with older northern dialects.[22] Northern English accents are often stigmatized, and native speakers commonly attempt to modify their Northern speech characteristics in corporate and professional environments.[23][24][25]

In the vernacular the terms 'accent' and 'dialect' are used without a great deal of distinction, and there are clear examples of unique words or expressions that might have at one point been part of a unique dialect, in modern English speaking Britain, spoken English is broadly intelligible across the whole of the British Isle, all British English speakers can understand each other.[26]

There is some debate as to how modern spoken English has impacted modern written English in the north, though it is clearly hard to represent a spoken accent in a written language.[27] The existence of the works of well known 'Lancashire Dialect' poets emphasizes the historical shift from a true northern dialect in the 1700s to northern accents in the modern north.[28]

Many people from northern England traditionally have taken 'lessons in elocution' in order to adopt a more standard use of the English language. This has been viewed as archaic, but recent studies demonstrate attempts by professionals to 'soften their northern accents' is currently on the rise.[29][30]


The varieties of English spoken across modern Great Britain form an accent/dialect continuum, and there is no universally agreed definition of which varieties are Northern.

and FOOTSTRUT splits.

Using this definition, the isogloss between North and South runs from the River Severn to the Wash – this definition covers not just the entire North of England (which Wells divides into "Far North" and "Middle North") but also most of the Midlands, including the distinctive Brummie (Birmingham) and Black Country dialects.[32]

In historical linguistics, the dividing line between the North and the North Midlands (an area of mixed Northumbrian-Mercian dialects, including the Lancashire, the West Riding and the Peak District dialects) runs from either the

River Humber on the east coast.[33]

The dialects of this region are descended from the

Alexander J Ellis defined the border between the north and the midlands as that where the word house is pronounced with u: to the north (as also in Scots).[34]

Although well-suited to historical analysis, this line does not reflect contemporary language; this line divides Lancashire and Yorkshire in half and few would today consider Manchester or Leeds, both located south of the line, as part of the Midlands.[32]

An alternative approach is to define the linguistic North as equivalent to the cultural area of Northern England – approximately the seven historic counties of Cheshire, Cumberland, County Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire, or the three modern statistical regions of North East England, North West England and Yorkshire and the Humber.[35]

This approach is taken by the Survey of English Dialects (SED), which uses the historic counties (minus Cheshire) as the basis of the studies. The SED also groups Manx English with Northern dialects, although this is a distinct variety of English and the Isle of Man is not part of England.[36] Under Wells' scheme, this definition includes Far North and Middle North dialects but excludes the Midlands dialects.[32]

Scottish English is distinct from Northern England English, although the two have interacted and influenced each other.[37] The Scots language and the Northumbrian and Cumbrian dialects of English descend from the Old English of Northumbria (diverging in the Middle English period) and are still very similar to each other.[38]


Many historical northern accents reflect the influence of the

Old Norse language strongly, compared with other varieties of English spoken in England.[39]

In addition to previous contact with

Old East Norse (the ancestor language of modern Norwegian, Swedish and Danish).[40]

During the mid and late 19th century, there was large-scale migration from Ireland, which affected the speech of parts of Northern England. This is most apparent in the accents along the west coast, such as Liverpool, Birkenhead, Barrow-in-Furness and Whitehaven.[41]

Northern accent and dialect varieties

Variations in modern Northern English accents/dialects include:

In some areas, dialects and phrases can vary greatly within very small geographic regions. Historically, accents did change over very small distances, but this is less true in modern Britain due to enhanced geographic mobility.[47]

Phonological characteristics

Red areas are where English dialects of the late 20th century were rhotic; in the North, only some of Lancashire is included.
Pronunciation of [ŋg] in the word tongue throughout England; the major Northern counties with this trait are located where the North West and West Midlands meet.

There are several speech features that unite most of the accents of Northern England and distinguish them from Southern England and Scottish accents:[48]

Major distinctive sounds of Northern English[54][55][56][57][58][59]
Example words Manchester
Lancashire Yorkshire Cumbria Northumberland
/æ/ bath, dance, trap [a~ä] listen
/ɑː/ bra, calm, father [aː~äː] listen [äː~ɑː] [ɒː] listen
// fight, ride, try
[aɪ~äɪ] listen
voiced fricative: [ɛɪ~əɪ] listen
// brown, mouth [aʊ] [æʊ] [aʊ~æʊ] [ɐʊ] [æʊ] [ɐʊ~u:] listen
// lame, rein, stain [ɛɪ~e̞ɪ] listen
[e̞ː] listen
Lancashire, Cumbria, and Yorkshire, when before ght as in weight: [eɪ~ɛɪ]
[eɪ] listen [ɪə~eː]
/ɛər/ fair, hare, there
rhotic Lancashire and some places by the
Scottish border
: [ɛːɹ]
[eː] listen
(square–nurse merger)
/ɜːr/ fur, her, stir
[ɜː~ɛː] listen
rhotic Lancashire and some places by the Scottish border: [əɹː]
[øː~ʊː] listen
/ər/ doctor, martyr, smaller
[ə~ɜ~ɛ] listen
rhotic Lancashire and some places by the Scottish border: [əɹ~ɜɹ]; also, Geordie: [ɛ~ɐ]
// beam, marine, fleece [ɪi] [i] listen [iː~ɨ̞i] [iː~ei]
/i/ city, honey, parties
[ɪ~e] listen
also, North Yorkshire: [i]
[ɪi~i] [i]
/ɪər/ beer, fear, here
rhotic Lancashire and some places by the
Scottish border
: [ɪəɹ]
[iɛ̯] [iɐ̯]
/ɔː/ all, bought, saw [ɒː~ɔː] [o̞:] listen
// goal, shown, toe [ɔʊ~ɔo]
[oː~ɔː] listen
West Yorkshire, more commonly: [ɔː]
[ɔu~ɜu~ɛʉ] [ʊə~oː]
/ʌ/ bus, flood, put
[ʊ] listen
foot–strut split
Northumberland, less rounded: [ʌ̈]; in Scouse, Manchester, South Yorkshire and (to an extent) Teesside the word one is uniquely pronounced with the vowel [ɒ], and this is also possible for once, among(st), none, tongue, and nothing
/ʊər/ poor, sure, tour
rhotic Lancashire and some places by the Scottish border: [ʊəɹ]
[o̞:] [uɐ]
// food, glue, lose [ʏː] listen
North Yorkshire: [ʉ:]
[ʉː] listen [yː] [ʉː] listen [ʉu~ʊu~ɵʊ]
/ɒ/ lot, wasp, cough [ɒ]
/ɛ/ bed, egg, bread [ɛ]
intervocalic & postvocalic /k/
racquet, joker, luck [k] or [k~x] [k] listen [k~x] listen or
[k~ç] listen
initial /h/
hand, head, home [∅] or [h] [h]
/l/ lie, mill, salad [l] listen
stressed-syllable /ŋ/ bang, singer, wrong
[ŋ] predominates in the northern half of historical Lancashire
[ŋg] predominates only in South Yorkshire's Sheffield
[ŋg~ŋ] [ŋ]
post-consonantal &
intervocalic /r/
current, three, pray
[ɹ] or, conservatively, [ɹ~ɾ]
[ʁ] in Lindisfarne and traditional, rural, northern Northumberland
[ɾ] [ɹ~ɾ]
& pre-consonantal
attic, bat, fitness [ʔ] or [t(ʰ)] [θ̠] listen or [ʔ]

Grammar and syntax

The grammatical patterns of Northern England English are similar to those of British English in general. However, there are several unique characteristics that mark out Northern English.[60]

Under the

irregular verbs such as to be may be used with plurals and other grammatical persons; for instance "the lambs is out". In modern dialects, the most obvious manifestation is a levelling of the past tense verb forms was and were. Either form may dominate depending on the region and individual speech patterns (so some Northern speakers may say "I was" and "You was" while others prefer "I were" and "You were") and in many dialects especially in the far North, weren't is treated as the negation of was.[61]

The "epistemic mustn't", where mustn't is used to

double modal verbs (might could instead of might be able to), but these are restricted in their distribution and are mostly dying out.[62]


While standard English now only has a single second-person pronoun, you, many Northern dialects have additional pronouns either retained from earlier forms or introduced from other variants of English. The pronouns thou and thee have survived in many rural Northern dialects. In some case, these allow the distinction between formality and familiarity to be maintained, while in others thou is a generic second-person singular, and you (or ye) is restricted to the plural. Even when thou has died out, second-person plural pronouns are common. In the more rural dialects and those of the far North, this is typically ye, while in cities and areas of the North West with historical Irish communities, this is more likely to be yous.[63]

Conversely, the process of "pronoun exchange" means that many first-person pronouns can be replaced by the first-person objective plural us (or more rarely we or wor) in standard constructions. These include me (so "give me" becomes "give us"), we (so "we Geordies" becomes "us Geordies") and our (so "our cars" becomes "us cars"). The latter especially is a distinctively Northern trait.[64]

Almost all British vernaculars have regularised reflexive pronouns, but the resulting form of the pronouns varies from region to region. In Yorkshire and the North East, hisself and theirselves are preferred to himself and themselves. Other areas of the North have regularised the pronouns in the opposite direction, with meself used instead of myself. This appears to be a trait inherited from Irish English, and like Irish speakers, many Northern speakers use reflexive pronouns in non-reflexive situations for emphasis. Depending on the region, reflexive pronouns can be pronounced (and often written) as if they ended -sen, -sel or -self (even in plural pronouns) or ignoring the suffix entirely.[63]


In addition to Standard English terms, the Northern English

Yan Tan Tethera counting system, which largely fell out of use in the nineteenth century. The Yan Tan Tethera system was traditionally used in counting stitches in knitting,[66] as well as in children's nursery rhymes,[66] counting-out games,[66] and was anecdotally connected to shepherding.[66] This was most likely borrowed from a relatively modern form of the Welsh language rather than being a remnant of the Brythonic of what is now Northern England.[66][67]

The forms yan and yen used to mean one as in someyan ("someone") that yan ("that one"), in some northern English dialects, represents a regular development in Northern English in which the Old English long vowel /ɑː/ <ā> was broken into /ie/, /ia/ and so on. This explains the shift to yan and ane from the Old English ān, which is itself derived from the Proto-Germanic *ainaz.[68][69]


Late Modern English texts from or set in Northern England found lad ("boy" or "young man") and lass ("girl" or "young woman") were the most widespread "pan-Northern" dialect terms. Other terms in the top ten included a set of three indefinite pronouns owt ("anything"), nowt ("naught" or "nothing") and summat ("something"), the Anglo-Scottish bairn, bonny and gang, and sel/sen ("self") and mun ("must"). Regional dialects within Northern England also had many unique terms, and canny ("clever") and nobbut ("nothing but") were both common in the corpus, despite being limited to the North East and to the North West and Yorkshire respectively.[70]

See also


  1. .
  2. ^ "British Library". www.bl.uk. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  3. , retrieved 11 November 2023
  4. ^ "Language vs. Dialect Vs. Accent: Learn The Differences". Dictionary.com. 4 April 2023. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  5. ^ "British Library". www.bl.uk. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  6. PMID 25671607
  7. ^ Bard, Susanne. "Linguists Hear an Accent Begin". Scientific American. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
  8. ^ "Samuel Bamford: 'Tim Bobbin'". minorvictorianwriters.org.uk. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
  9. ^ "Poems & Songs in the Lancashire Dialect". Spreaker. Retrieved 14 November 2023.
  10. ^ "Yorkshire Dialect". Historic UK. Retrieved 14 November 2023.
  11. , retrieved 11 November 2023
  12. ^ Jones, Matthew (18 November 2020). "Dialect vs. Accent: Definitions, Similarities, & Differences". SpeakUp resources. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
  13. ^ "Dialectology". www.sheffield.ac.uk. 15 November 2022. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  14. ^ "Dialectology - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics". www.sciencedirect.com. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  15. ^ "Language vs. Dialect Vs. Accent: Learn The Differences". Dictionary.com. 4 April 2023. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  16. ^ Cole, Amanda (27 October 2023). "Cockney and Queen's English have all but disappeared among young people – here's what's replaced them". The Conversation. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  17. ISSN 2224-3380
  18. ^ "British Library". www.bl.uk. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  19. ^ "Northern English dialects in the Old English period". knowledge.allbest.ru. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  20. ^ "'General northern English' accent has formed among the urban middle class". The Independent. 17 July 2020. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  21. ^ "Google Scholar". scholar.google.com. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
  22. ^ Bobbin, Tim; Cruikshank, George (1828). Tim Bobbin's Lancashire dialect and poems. The Library of Congress. London : Hurst, Chance.
  23. ^ "New research reveals prejudice against people with Northern English accents". www.northumbria.ac.uk. 18 October 2023. Archived from the original on 12 November 2023. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  24. PMID 33733165
  25. ^ "Accents in Britain". Accent Bias Britain. 9 May 2019. Archived from the original on 9 November 2023. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
  26. ^ "Why are there so many regional accents in the UK, in comparison to other English-speaking countries? | Notes and Queries | guardian.co.uk". www.theguardian.com. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
  27. ^ "Dialect Writing and the North of England". Edinburgh University Press Books. Retrieved 11 November 2023.
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  30. ^ "Broad regional accents are a barrier to social mobility, research finds". Broad regional accents are a barrier to social mobility, research finds. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
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  32. ^ a b c Wells (1982), pp. 349–351.
  33. ^ "English Dialects". www.gutenberg.org. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  34. ^ On early English pronunciation : with especial reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, containing an investigation of the correspondence of writing with speech in England from the Anglosaxon period to the present day (1889), Alexander John Ellis, page 19, Line 6
  35. ^ Hickey (2015), pp. 1–8.
  36. ^ Wales (2006), pp. 13–14.
  37. ^ Hickey (2015), p. 2.
  38. ^ "Germanic and Other Languages". Scots Language Centre. Archived from the original on 20 September 2021. Retrieved 10 October 2021.
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  43. ^ "Do you speak 'Manc', 'Lancashire' or 'posh'? First findings from largest ever study of Greater Manchester accents and dialects revealed". www.rochdaleonline.co.uk. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  44. ^ "Home". Northumbrian Language Society. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  45. ^ "Yorkshire English | English Accents". www.uv.es. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  46. ^ "Yorkshire dialect faces extinction, report says". The Northern Echo. 5 July 2007. Archived from the original on 15 May 2021. Retrieved 12 November 2023.
  47. ^ Towards an updated dialect atlas of British English
  48. ^ Wells (1982), section 4.4.
  49. ^ a b c d Wells (1982), p. 368.
  50. ^ Beal, Joan, C.; Burbano-Elizondo, Lourdes; Llamas, Carmen (2012). Urban North-eastern English: Tyneside to Teesside (Dialects of English). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  51. voiceless alveolar lateral fricative
  52. ^ Hughes, Arthur, Peter Trudgill, and Dominic James Landon Watt. English Accents & Dialects : an Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of English in the British Isles. 5th ed. London: Hodder Education, 2012. p. 116
  53. ^ Cruttenden, Alan (March 1981). "Falls and Rises: Meanings and Universals". Journal of Linguistics Vol. 17, No. 1: Cambridge University Press. p. 83. "[T]he rises of Belfast and some northern English cities may sound perpetually surprised or sarcastic to southern Englishmen (the precise attitude imputed will depend on other factors like pitch height and the exact type of rise)".
  54. ^ Heggarty, Paul; et al., eds. (2013). "Accents of English from Around the World". University of Edinburgh.
  55. .
  56. .
  57. ^ Honetbone, Patrick; Watson, Kevin. "Phonemes, graphemes and phonics for Liverpool English" (PDF). Retrieved 16 January 2024.
  58. ^ "British Library". www.bl.uk. Retrieved 19 October 2023.
  59. ^ Pietsch (2005), pp. 76–80.
  60. ^ Beal (2010), pp. 26, 38.
  61. ^ a b Hickey (2015), pp. 85–86.
  62. ^ Hickey (2015), pp. 84–85.
  63. ^ Trudgill & Hannah (2002), p. 52.
  64. ^
  65. ^ "The Celtic Linguistic Influence". Yorkshire Dialect Society. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  66. )
  67. .
  68. ^ Hickey (2015), pp. 144–146.


Further reading