
Coordinates: 47°47′8″N 18°44′25″E / 47.78556°N 18.74028°E / 47.78556; 18.74028
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
City with county rights
Top left: Dark Gate, Top upper right: Esztergom Cathedral, Top lower right: Saint Adalbert Convention Center, Middle left: Kis-Duna Setany (Little Danube Promenade), Middle right: Saint Stephen's Square, Bottom: Esztergom Castle Hill and Danube River
Top left: Dark Gate
, Top upper right: Esztergom Cathedral, Top lower right: Saint Adalbert Convention Center, Middle left: Kis-Duna Setany (Little Danube Promenade), Middle right: Saint Stephen's Square, Bottom: Esztergom Castle Hill and Danube River
Postal code
Area code(+36) 33

Esztergom (Hungarian pronunciation:

capital of Hungary from the 10th until the mid-13th century when King Béla IV of Hungary moved the royal seat to Buda

Esztergom is the seat of the prímás (see Primate) of the Catholic Church in Hungary, and the former seat of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. The city has a

Christian Museum with the largest ecclesiastical collection in Hungary. Its cathedral, Esztergom Basilica, is the largest church in Hungary. Near the Basilica there is a campus of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University


The Roman town was called Solva. The medieval Latin name was Strigonium.[3] The first early medieval mention is "ſtrigonensis [strigonensis] comes" (1079–1080).[4]

The first interpretation of the name was suggested by Antonio Bonfini. He tried to explain it from Istrogranum, "city at the confluence of Ister (the Greek name of the Danube river) and Gran (the Latin name of the river Hron)". This interpretation is still popular.[5][6][7] Viktor Récsey [hu] attempted to derive the name from Germanic languages. After the conquest of the country by Charlemagne, the Franks should give the name Osterringun to their easternmost castle; as a comparison, a reference is made to the town of Östringen. Pavel Jozef Šafárik tried to explain the name from Slavic ostřehu (locus custodius, munitus).[8] Gyula Pauler [hu] suggested a Slavic personal name Stigran without a deeper analysis of its origin.[9]

In 1927,


Lajos Kiss [hu] considered the name to be of uncertain origin, potentially derived also from Slavic strgun (a tanner) or Proto-Bulgaric estrogin käpe, estrigim küpe – a leather armor.[4][12] However, the last theory is sharply criticized by Šimon Ondruš as obsolete and unreliable, because of its dependency on later sources, the high number of Slavic names in the region and missing adoption of the word in the Hungarian language.[12]

Other names of the town are Croatian Ostrogon, Polish Ostrzyhom, Serbian Ostrogon and Estergon (also Turkish), Slovak Ostrihom and Czech Ostřihom (the archaic name is Střehom). The German name is Gran (‹See TfM›German: Gran), like the German name of river Garam.[13]


Castle Hill panorama from Štúrovo(Párkány), Slovakia
Ottoman grave stones in the castle
Esztergom in 1595
Esztergom in 1664
Siege of Esztergom in 1683
Dark gate
The Cathedral at night
Péter Pázmány Street
The former synagogue
Franciscan church
Town Hall
Downtown as seen from the Bottyán bridge
"Old seminary"
The old seminary in Esztergom after the renovations in 2006
Royal castle

Esztergom is one of the oldest towns in Hungary.

Avar archaeological finds found in the area reveal that these people settled there following the period of the migrations that were caused by the fall of the Roman Empire

At about 500 AD, Slavic peoples immigrated into the

Old Slavonic
language, it was called Strěgom ("guard"), as it was strategic point of control for the Danube valley.


. He offered peace to the Emperor and asked for missionaries.

The prince's residence stood on the northern side of the hill. The center of the hill was occupied by a basilica dedicated to St. Adalbert, who, according to legend, baptised St. Stephen. The Church of St. Adalbert was the seat of the archbishop of Esztergom, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary. By that time, significant numbers of craftsmen and merchants had settled in the city.

Stephen's coronation took place in Esztergom on either Christmas Day 1000 or January 1, 1001. From the time of his rule up to the beginning of the 13th century, the only mint for the country operated here. During the same period, the castle of Esztergom ("Estergon Kalesi" in

archbishop of Esztergom
was the leader of the ten bishoprics founded by Stephen. The archbishop was often in charge of important state functions and had the exclusive right to crown kings.

The settlements of royal servants, merchants and craftsmen at the foot of the Várhegy (Castle Hill) developed into the most significant town during the age of the Árpád dynasty– these being the most important area of the economic life of the country. According to the Frenchman Odo of Deuil, who visited the country in 1147, "the Danube carries the economy and treasures of several countries to Esztergom".

The town council was made up of the richest citizens of the town (residents of

Béla III. The historians traveling with them all agree on the richness and significance of Esztergom. Arnold of Lübeck
, the historian with Frederick Barbarossa, called Esztergom the capital of Hungarian people ("quae Ungarorum est metropolis").

In the beginning of the 13th century Esztergom was the center of the country's political and economic life. This is explained by the canon of

church in Esztergom which had been destroyed during the invasion and which had been rebuilt by Béla IV in 1270.

Following these events, the castle was built and decorated by the bishops. The center of the king's town, which was surrounded by walls, was still under royal authority. A number of different monasteries did return or settle in the religious center.

Meanwhile, the citizenry had been fighting to maintain and reclaim the rights of towns against the expansion of the church within the royal town. In the chaotic years after the fall of the

Louis the Great
patronized the town. In 1327 Kovácsi, the most influential suburb of the town, lying in the southeast, was united with Esztergom. The former suburb had three churches with mainly blacksmith, goldsmith, and coiner residents.

In the 14th and 15th centuries Esztergom saw events of great importance and became one of the most influential acropolises of Hungarian culture along with

Beatrix of Aragon
, lived in the castle of Esztergom for ten years (1490–1500).

The time of the next resident, Archbishop Tamás Bakócz (d. 1521) gave the town significant monuments. In 1507 he had Italian architects build the Bakócz chapel, which is the earliest and most significant Renaissance building which has survived in Hungary. The altarpiece of the chapel was carved from white marble by Andrea Ferrucci, a sculptor from Fiesole in 1519.


(that is why some of the treasury, the archives and the library survived).

In 1543 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent attacked the castle and captured it. The castle then remained under the Ottoman Empire.

Esztergom (as Estergon) became the centre of an Ottoman

Mátyás Cseszneky. The price that had to be paid, however, was high. Most of the buildings in the castle and the town that had been built in the Middle Ages
were destroyed during this period, and there were only uninhabitable, smothered ruins to welcome the conquerors.

In 1605

Ferenc Rákóczi
's long lasting, but finally successful siege.

The destroyed territory was settled by

settlers. This was when the new national landscape developed. In the area where there had previously been 65 Hungarian villages, only 22 were rebuilt. Though the reconstructed town received its free royal rights, in size and significance it was only a shadow of its former self.

Handcrafts gained strength and in around 1730, there were 17 independent crafts operating in Esztergom. Wine-culture was also of major significance. This was also the period when the Baroque view of the downtown area and the Víziváros (Watertown) were developed. The old town's main characteristic is the simplicity and moderateness of its citizen Baroque architecture. The most beautiful buildings can be found around the marketplace (Széchenyi square).

In 1761 the bishopric regained control over the castle, where they started the preliminary processes of the reconstruction of the new religious center: the middle of the Várhegy (Castle Hill), the remains of Saint Stephen and Saint Adalbert churches were carried away to provide room for the new cathedral.

Although the major construction work and the resettlement of the bishopric (1820) played a significant role in the town's life, the pace of Esztergom's development gradually slowed down, and work on the new Basilica came to a halt.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Esztergom gained significance owing to its cultural and educational institutions as well as to being an administrative capital. The town's situation turned worse after the Treaty of Trianon of 1920, after which it became a border town and lost most of its previous territory.

This was also the place where the poet Mihály Babits spent his summers from 1924 to his death in 1941. The poet's residence was one of the centers of the country's literary life; he had a significant effect on intellectual life in Esztergom.

Esztergom had one of the oldest Jewish communities in Hungary. They had a place of worship here by 1050. King Charles I (Caroberto) gifted a plot to the community for a cemetery in 1326.

According to the 1910 census, 5.1% of the population were Jewish, while the 1941 census found a population of 1510 Jews. The community maintained an elementary school until 1944. Jewish shops were ordered to be closed on April 28, 1944, and a short-lived

Auschwitz on June 16, 1944. Two forced labor units, whose members were mainly Esztergom Jews, were executed en masse near Ágfalva
, on the Austrian border in January 1945.

Soviet troops captured the town on December 26, 1944, but were pushed back by the Germans on January 6, 1945, who were finally ousted on March 21, 1945.


Mária Valéria bridge, connecting Esztergom with the city of Štúrovo in Slovakia was rebuilt in 2001 with the support of the European Union
. Originally it was inaugurated in 1895, but the retreating German troops destroyed it in 1944. A new thermal and wellness spa opened in November 2005.


One of the most important events of the 1930s was the exploration and renovation of the remains of the palace of the Árpád period. This again put Esztergom in the center of attention. Following World War II, Esztergom was left behind as one of the most severely devastated towns. However, reconstruction slowly managed to erase the traces of the war, with two of Esztergom's most vital characteristics gaining significance: due to its situation it was the cultural center of the area (more than 8,000 students were educated at its elementary, secondary schools and college ). On the other hand, as a result of the local industrial development it has become a vital basis for the Hungarian tool and machinery industry.

This town, with its spectacular scenery and numerous memorials, a witness of the struggles of Hungarian history, is popular mostly with tourists interested in the beauties of the past and art. However, the town seems to regain its role in the country's politics, and its buildings and traditions revive.

The castle and palace

The winding streets of the town, with its church towers create a historical atmosphere. Below Esztergom Basilica, at the edge of the mountain stand the old walls and bastions – the remains of the castle of Esztergom. The remains of one section of the royal palace and castle that had been built during the Ottoman rule had been buried in the ground up until the 1930s.

Most parts of the palace were explored and restored in the period between 1934 and 1938, but even today there are archeological excavations in progress. Passing through the narrow stairs, alleys, under arches and gates built in

Béla III. With his wife - the daughter of Louis VII
- French architects arrived and constructed the late-Roman and early-Gothic building at the end of the 12th century.

The frescoes of the palace chapel date from the 12th-14th centuries, while on the walls of the mottes, some of the most beautiful paintings of the early Hungarian Renaissance can be admired (15th century). From the terrace of the palace one can admire the landscape of Esztergom. Under the terrace are the houses and churches of the Bishop-town section, or Víziváros (Watertown) and the Primate's Palace. Opposite the palace is the Saint Thomas hill, and surrounded by the mountains and the Danube. The walls of the castle still stand on the northern part of the Basilica. From the northern rondella one can admire the view of Párkány on the other side of the Danube as well as the Szentgyörgymező, the Danube valley, and the So-called 'Víziváros' (Watertown) districts.

Esztergom Basilica

Those traveling to Esztergom today can admire the most monumental construction of Hungarian Classicism, the Basilica, which silently rules the landscape above the winding Danube, surrounded by mountains.

The building that might be considered the symbol of the town is the largest church in Hungary and was built according to the plans of

Michelangelo Grigoletti. On one side, in the Saint Stephen chapel, the glittering relics of Hungarian and other nations' saints and valuable jewellery can be seen. On the south side, the Bakócz Chapel, the only one that survived the Middle Ages, can be seen. The builders of the Basilica
had disassembled this structure into 1600 pieces, and incorporated it into the new church in its original form.

The treasury houses many masterpieces of medieval goldsmith's works. The western European masters' hands are praised by such items as the crown silver cross that has been used since the 13th century, the ornate chalices, Francesco Francia's processional cross, the upper part of the well-known 'Matthias-Calvary' which is decorated in the rare ronde-bosse enamel technique. The Treasury also has a vast collection of traditional Hungarian and European textiles, including chasubles, liturgical vestments and robes.

The sound of the enormous bell hung in the southern tower can be heard from kilometers away. From the top of the large dome, visitors can see a breath-taking view: to the north, east and south the ranges of the Börzsöny, Visegrád, Pilis and Gerecse mountains rule the landscape, while to the west, in the valley of the Danube one can see as far as the Small Plains.


The Víziváros (Watertown) section was named after being built on the banks of the Kis- and Nagy Duna (Small and Great Danube). Its fortresses, walls, bastions and Turkish rondellas can still be seen by the walk on the banks of the Danube. By the northern end of the wall, on the bank of the Nagy-Duna, an interesting memorial is put, a stone table with Ottoman Turkish writings commemorates Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent's victorious siege of 1543. The narrow, winding streets within the walls hide the remains of Turkish mosques and baths.

Along the delightful streets of the Víziváros (Watertown), surrounded by

Master M.S.
(1506), the gothic altars from Upper Historical Hungary (Felvidék), handicrafts of Italian, German and Flemish artists from the 13th–17th centuries, tapestries and ceramics.

The building of the Balassa Bálint Museum that was built in Baroque style on medieval bases and is located in Víziváros (Watertown), served as the first town hall of Esztergom county after the Turks had been driven out of the region.

The parish-church in the centre of the Víziváros (Watertown), which was built by the

Franciscan churches are also masterpieces of Baroque

Cathedral Library

The Cathedral Library standing in the southern part of the town, which was built in 1853 according to plans by

incunabula can be found, such as the Latin explanation of the 'Song of Songs' from the 12th century, the 'Lövöföldi Corvina' originating from donations of King Matthias, or the Jordánszky Codex [hu], which includes the Hungarian translation of the Bible from 1516 to 1519. Along with Bakócz and Ulászló graduals
, they conserve also the Balassa Bible, in which Balassa's uncle, Balassa András wrote down the circumstances of his birth and death.

Szent Tamás-hegy

The main sight of the nearby 'Szent Tamás-hegy' (Saint Thomas Hill -

Classicist chapel on the top of the hill, which was built to commemorate the heroes who died for Esztergom. The hill was named after a church built by Bishop Lukács Bánffy in memoriam the martyr Saint Thomas Becket, who had been his fellow student at the University of Paris. The church and the small castle which the Turks built there were destroyed a long time ago. On its original spot, the top of the hill, the narrow winding streets and small houses that were built by the masters who were working on the construction of the Basilica at the beginning of the previous century, have an atmosphere that is similar to that of Tabán in Buda. At the foot of the hill are the swimming pool and the Classicist building of the Fürdő Szálló (Bath Hotel). This is where Lajos Kossuth
stayed in 1848 on one of his recruiting tours.

On the southern slopes of the hill there is a Mediterranean, winding path with stairs that lead to the Baroque Saint Stephen chapel.

Széchényi Square and the Town Hall

The main square of the town is the Széchényi square. Of the several buildings of

Classicist style, there is one that catches everyone's eyes: the Town Hall. Originally, it used to be the single-floor curia of Vak Bottyán (János Bottyán, Bottyán the Blind), the Kuruc general (1689). The first floor was constructed on its top in 1729. The house burnt down in the 1750s. It was rebuilt in accordance with the plans of a local architect, Antal Hartmann. Upon its façade there is a red marble carving which presents the coat of arms of Esztergom (a palace within the castle walls, protected by towers, with the Árpáds
' shields below.) On the corner of the building the equestrian statue of Vak Bottyán (created by István Martsa) commemorates the original owner of the house.

The Trinity-statue in the middle of the square was created by György Kiss in 1900. In Bottyán János Street, near the Town Hall, there are well decorated Baroque houses. This is where the

church is located (built between 1700 and 1755). Opposite this building there is a Baroque palace which used to belong to the Sándor Earl family.

Other churches

In the direction of the Kis Duna, the downtown parish-church, built by the architect Ignác Oratsek can be admired. A bit farther is the

Classicist Church of Saint Anne. The orthodox church at 60 Kossuth Lajos street was built around 1770 by Serbian
settlers in Esztergom.


Historical population
1785 5,492—    
1850 8,544+55.6%
1869 8,780+2.8%
1880 8,932+1.7%
1890 9,349+4.7%
1900 17,909+91.6%
1910 17,881−0.2%
1920 17,963+0.5%
1930 17,354−3.4%
1941 22,171+27.8%
1949 20,104−9.3%
1960 23,021+14.5%
1970 26,965+17.1%
1980 30,373+12.6%
1990 29,841−1.8%
2001 29,041−2.7%
2011 28,926−0.4%
2021 28,165−2.6%
*Source:[15] *Note:[16]

Languages and ethnic groups

The city and the neighbouring territories became devastated due to the Ottoman wars. Esztergom was repopulated by mostly ethnic Hungarians, some Germans and Slovaks in the late 17th and the early 18th centuries.[17] According to András Vályi, the population of Esztergom was mostly Hungarian in 1796, and the German and Slovak minorities were conversant with the Hungarian language.[17] Elek Fényes described Esztergom as mostly Hungarian by language in 1851.[18] Based on the 1880 census, the city (with Szentgyörgymező, Szenttamás and Víziváros) had 14,944 inhabitants, of whom there were 13,340 (89.3%) Hungarians, 755 (5.1%) Germans and 321 (2.1%) Slovaks by native language.[19]

According to the 2011 census the total population of Esztergom was 28,926, of whom there were 24,155 (83.5%) Hungarians, 729 (2.5%) Romani, 527 (1.8%) Germans and 242 (0.8%) Slovaks by ethnicity.[20] 13.6% of the total population did not declare their ethnicity.[21] In Hungary people can declare multiple ethnic backgrounds, so other people declared Hungarian and a minority one together.[22]


Historically, Esztergom has been the seat of the

Roman Catholic in 1851.[18]

The 1869 census showed 14,512 people (with Szentgyörgymező, Szenttamás and Víziváros), 13,567 (93.5%) Roman Catholic, 718 (4.9%)

At the 2011 census, there were 13,127 (45.4%) Roman Catholic, 1,647 (5.7%) Hungarian Reformed, 211 (0.7%) Lutheran and 160 (0.6%)

Atheist, while 9,046 people (31.3%) did not declare their religion.[20]

Siemens Desiro in Esztergom


The Magyar Suzuki Corporation plant opened in 1992, as the European base of the Japanese automotive manufacturer Suzuki. It has a production capacity of 300,000 vehicles per year and it is the biggest employing company in the city, with 2,682 employees (statistical average 2022).[25]


Climate data for Esztergom
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 2.2
Mean daily maximum °C (°F) 1.7
Daily mean °C (°F) −1.2
Mean daily minimum °C (°F) −4.0
Record low °C (°F) −6.8
Average precipitation mm (inches) 36
Mean monthly sunshine hours 64 98 132 172 230 227 249 239 173 139 72 53 1,848
Source: CLIMATE DATA[26]

Notable residents

Twin towns – sister cities

Esztergom is twinned with:[31][32]


  • Castle Hill
    Castle Hill
  • Esztergom Cathedral at night
  • The White Tower of Castle
    The White Tower of Castle
  • HNM Castle Museum
    HNM Castle Museum
  • Downtown Church
    Downtown Church
  • Watertown Church
    Watertown Church
  • Saint Anne Church or Round Church
    Saint Anne Church or Round Church
  • Dark Gate
  • Ister-Fountain

See also

  • Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest


  1. ^ Rel. Slovak striehnuť – to watch, to guard, Czech střeh – a watching position.


  1. ^ "Revelation 14 LEB - - Bible Gateway".
  2. ^ Esztergom, KSH
  3. ^ "Maître Roger : Carmen miserabile". Site de Philippe Remacle. Retrieved 21 January 2011.
  4. ^ .
  5. ^ Communicationes de historia artis medicinae, Volumes 27–29, Budapest (Hungary)., Orvostörténetï közlemények, Országos Orvostörténeti Könyvtár, Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múzeum, 1963, p. 123
  6. ^ Schünemann, Konrad (1927). "Esztergom, der ungarische Name der Stadt Gran". Ungarische Jahrbücher (in German). Vol. 7. Berlin-Leipzig. p. 178.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  7. ^ Pauler, Gyula (1899). A magyar nemzet története az Árpádházi királyok alatt (in Hungarian). Budapest: Magyar Könyvkiadók és Könyvterjesztők Egyesülése és az Állami Könyvterjesztő Vállalat közös kiadása. p. 27.
  8. ^ Schünemann 1927, p. 180.
  9. ^ Stanislav, Ján (1941). "Zo slovenských miestnych názvov". Slovenská reč (in Slovak) (2–3). Martin: Matica slovenská: 42.
  10. ^ .
  11. ^ "Revised Atlas of World History". Barnes & Noble. Retrieved 6 March 2007.
  12. ^ "The history of our town". Portal. 21 December 2006. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015.
  13. ISBN 963-215-094-5 – 2001-2011 (census data): Gazetteer of Hungary / Esztergom
  14. ^ Including Szentgyörgymező, Szenttamás and Víziváros since 1895 and Pilisszentlélek since 1985.
  15. ^ a b András Vályi: Magyar Országnak leírása, Buda, 1796 Online
  16. ^ a b Elek Fényes: Magyarország geographiai szótára, Pest, 1851 Online
  17. ^ A Magyar Szent Korona Országaiban az 1881. év elején végrehajtott népszámlálás főbb eredményei megyék és községek szerint részletezve, Országos Magyar Királyi Statisztikai Hivatal, Budapest, 1882 Online
  18. ^ a b Hungarian census, Komárom-Esztergom county, tables,
  19. ^ Gazetteer of Hungary / Esztergom
  20. ^ Hungarian census 2011 - final data and methodology
  21. ^ Privilege of Esztergom, 1708
  22. ^ "Main company data - Magyar Suzuki Zrt". Retrieved 2023-12-27.
  24. ^ Bain, Robert Nisbet (1911). "Andrew II" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). p. 971.
  25. ^ Bain, Robert Nisbet (1911). "Bakócz, Tamás, Cardinal" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 3 (11th ed.). p. 230.
  26. ^ Bain, Robert Nisbet (1911). "Charles I. (King of Hungary)" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 5 (11th ed.). pp. 922–923.
  27. ^ Bain, Robert Nisbet (1911). "Stephen I. of Hungary" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 25 (11th ed.). pp. 882–883.
  28. ^ "Testvérvárosok". (in Hungarian). Esztergom. Retrieved 2021-03-28.
  29. ^ "Testvérváros lett Esztergom és Székesfehérvár". (in Hungarian). 2023-08-20. Retrieved 2023-12-26.

External links

47°47′8″N 18°44′25″E / 47.78556°N 18.74028°E / 47.78556; 18.74028