Albert Ostman

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Albert Ostman (c. 1893 – 1975)

Sasquatch and held captive for six days. He stated that the event took place near Toba Inlet, British Columbia
in 1924.

The story

In 1924, Albert Ostman, a lumberjack and woodsman, went to the area for a vacation. Ostman had heard stories about the "man beasts" who supposedly roamed these woods but refused to believe them.[2] As Ostman lay asleep one evening a Sasquatch purportedly picked him up and carried him off while he was in his sleeping bag.[3] Ostman was carried in his sleeping bag across country for three hours by the Sasquatch.[4] The Sasquatch dropped Ostman down on a plateau. Standing around him was a family of four of the creatures.[5] Albert was kept captive by the Sasquatch. The captors were two adults and two children which held Ostman captive for six days.[6] One of the Bigfoots was reported as being eight feet tall.[7] Ostman did not use his gun on them as they had done him no harm.[8] He stayed with the Bigfoot family for a week.[9] Ostman ate "sweet tasting grass" that they gave him.[10] According to Ostman the female Sasquatch washed and stacked leaves.[11] Albert escaped by making the large male Sasquatch groggy by feeding him some snuff.[12] He did not tell his story for more than 24 years after it happened for fear of being thought of as crazy.[13] As more Sasquatch stories appeared in the press Albert decided to tell his story to a local newspaper, The Province, in 1957.[14]

In 2007, the skeptic

John Napier states that "Ostman's story fails to convince me primarily on the grounds of the limited food resources available."[17] Bigfoot researcher Peter Byrne cannot accept Ostman's story without more evidence.[18]
