Ali ibn Isa ibn al-Jarrah

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ʿAlī ibn ʿĪsā ibn Dā'ūd ibn al-Jarrāḥ (Dayr Qunna, 859 –

Persian[1] official of the Abbasid Caliphate

Descended from a family with long history of service in the Abbasid government, he rose to power in the Abbasid court, serving as vizier in 913–917, 918–923, and 927–928.

Ali ibn Isa's political career, coinciding with the terminal decline of the Abbasid state, was turbulent, marked by a power struggle with his rival Abu'l-Hasan Ali ibn al-Furat and his supporters, resulting in frequent periods of exile. In contrast to the largesse and extravagance of Ibn al-Furat, Ali ibn Isa was austere and a determined opponent of corruption, which earned him many enemies. Nevertheless, he was later remembered as the "good vizier" for his administrative talent and honesty.



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  • Bowen, Harold (1928). The Life and Times of ʿAlí Ibn ʿÍsà, ‘The Good Vizier’. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    OCLC 386849
  • Bowen, Harold (1960). "ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā". In
    OCLC 495469456
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  • van Berkel, Maaike M. L. (2013). "ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā b. Dāʾūd b. al-Jarrāḥ". In Fleet, Kate;
    ISSN 1873-9830