Army of the Three Guarantees

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Army of the Three Guarantees
Ejército Trigarante o Ejército de las Tres Garantías
Army CommanderAgustín de Iturbide
Guerrilla CommanderVicente Guerrero
Dates of operationFebruary 24, 1821
  • Mexican royalist troops
  • Mexican insurgent troops
OpponentsSpain Spain; Royalists

At the end of the

Plan de Iguala
, which stated the three guarantees which it was meant to defend:
1.- Religion,
2.- Independence, and
3.- Unity.
Mexico was to be a
empire, independent from Spain, and united against its enemies.


The Army of the Three Guarantees was created on February 24, 1821, and continued battling Spanish royalist forces which refused to accept Mexican independence. These battles continued until August 1821, when Iturbide and Spanish Viceroy

Mexico was declared independent

By that time, the Army of the Three Guarantees was composed of 7,616 infantrymen, 7,755 cavalry, and 763 artillery with 68 cannons.

