Association scheme

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The theory of association schemes arose in


An n-class association scheme consists of a set X together with a partition S of X × X into n + 1 binary relations, R0, R1, ..., Rn which satisfy:

  • ; it is called the
    identity relation
  • Defining , if R in S, then R* in S.
  • If , the number of such that and is a constant depending on , , but not on the particular choice of and .

An association scheme is commutative if for all , and . Most authors assume this property. Note, however, that while the notion of an association scheme generalizes the notion of a group, the notion of a commutative association scheme only generalizes the notion of a

commutative group

A symmetric association scheme is one in which each is a symmetric relation. That is:

  • if (x, y) ∈ Ri, then (y, x) ∈ Ri. (Or equivalently, R* = R.)

Every symmetric association scheme is commutative.

Two points x and y are called i th associates if . The definition states that if x and y are i th associates then so are y and x. Every pair of points are i th associates for exactly one . Each point is its own zeroth associate while distinct points are never zeroth associates. If x and y are k th associates then the number of points which are both i th associates of and j th associates of is a constant .

Graph interpretation and adjacency matrices

A symmetric association scheme can be visualized as a complete graph with labeled edges. The graph has vertices, one for each point of , and the edge joining vertices and is labeled if and are  th associates. Each edge has a unique label, and the number of triangles with a fixed base labeled having the other edges labeled and is a constant , depending on but not on the choice of the base. In particular, each vertex is incident with exactly edges labeled ; is the

valency of the relation
. There are also loops labeled at each vertex , corresponding to .

The relations are described by their adjacency matrices. is the adjacency matrix of for and is a v × v matrix with rows and columns labeled by the points of .

The definition of a symmetric association scheme is equivalent to saying that the are v × v

which satisfy

I. is symmetric,
II. (the all-ones matrix),
III. ,
IV. .

The (x, y)-th entry of the left side of (IV) is the number of paths of length two between x and y with labels i and j in the graph. Note that the rows and columns of contain 's:


  • The numbers are called the parameters of the scheme. They are also referred to as the structural constants.


The term association scheme is due to (

distance regular graphs

Basic facts

  • , i.e., if then and the only such that is .
  • ; this is because the partition .

The Bose–Mesner algebra

The adjacency matrices of the graphs generate a

commutative and associative algebra
(over the
matrix product and the pointwise product. This associative, commutative algebra is called the Bose–Mesner algebra
of the association scheme.

Since the matrices in are symmetric and commute with each other, they can be diagonalized simultaneously. Therefore, is


There is another algebra of matrices which is

to , and is often easier to work with.


  • The Johnson scheme, denoted by J(v, k), is defined as follows. Let S be a set with v elements. The points of the scheme J(v, k) are the subsets of S with k elements. Two k-element subsets A, B of S are i th associates when their intersection has size k − i.
  • The Hamming scheme, denoted by H(n, q), is defined as follows. The points of H(n, q) are the qn ordered n-tuples over a set of size q. Two n-tuples x, y are said to be i th associates if they disagree in exactly i coordinates. E.g., if x = (1,0,1,1), y = (1,1,1,1), z = (0,0,1,1), then x and y are 1st associates, x and z are 1st associates and y and z are 2nd associates in H(4,2).
  • A distance-regular graph, G, forms an association scheme by defining two vertices to be i th associates if their distance is i.
  • A finite group G yields an association scheme on , with a class Rg for each group element, as follows: for each let where is the group operation. The class of the group identity is R0. This association scheme is commutative if and only if G is abelian.
  • A specific 3-class association scheme:[11]
Let A(3) be the following association scheme with three associate classes on the set X = {1,2,3,4,5,6}. The (i, j ) entry is s if elements i and j are in relation Rs.
  1 2 3 4 5 6
1  0   1   1   2   3   3 
2  1   0   1   3   2   3 
3  1   1   0   3   3   2 
4  2   3   3   0   1   1 
5  3   2   3   1   0   1 
6  3   3   2   1   1   0 

Coding theory

The Hamming scheme and the Johnson scheme are of major significance in classical coding theory.


in polynomial-type association schemes.

In classical

eigenvalues of the distance relation matrices of the Hamming scheme

See also

