
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The caoineag (Scottish Gaelic pronunciation:

bean nighe, the caoineag cannot be approached, questioned, or made to grant wishes.[1][2]


Clan MacDonald was heard to wail night after night.[1][3] Those whose fears were roused by her keening left the glen and escaped the fate of those who remained behind. Fragments of the dirges
said to have been sung by the caoineag before the massacre were collected by Carmichael:

Other local names for her include caointeag, caoineachag, caointeachag, and caoidheag.[1]


The caointeach is another version of this death spirit attached to various clans in Islay. When a death from illness was about to occur, she would appear outside the sick person's house wearing a green shawl and begin lamenting at the door. In one account she is said to have been banished from the premises after having been pitied and given a gift of clothing to cover herself, much like traditions of the brownie[4] and the Cauld Lad of Hylton.[5] She is sometimes conflated with the bean nighe who haunts desolate streams and washes the clothing of those about to die, but in this context the caointeach is more formidable. If she is interrupted she will strike at a person's legs with her wet linen and the victim will lose the use of them.[6]

Caointeach is also the spelling alternative given by Edward Dwelly in his dictionary of Scottish Gaelic, where she is defined as a "female fairy or water-kelpie".[7]


  1. ^ a b c d Carmichael, Alexander (1900). Carmina Gadelica (Vol. 2). Edinburgh: T. and A. Constable. pp. 240–1.
  2. ^ Mackenzie, Donald (1935). Scottish Folklore and Folk Life. Blackie & Son. pp. 239–40.
  3. ^ MacKillop, James (2004), "caoineag", A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (online ed.), Oxford University Press,
  4. ^ MacDougall, James and Calder, George (1910). Folk Tales and Fairy Lore in Gaelic and English. Edinburgh: John Grant. p. 215.
  5. .
  6. ^ Briggs 1976, pp. 19–20.
  7. ^ "Caointeach". Am Faclair Beag. Retrieved 14 May 2014.