Charles Loewner

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Charles Loewner
Born(1893-05-29)29 May 1893
University of Prague
Doctoral advisorGeorg Alexander Pick
Doctoral studentsLipman Bers
William J. Firey
Adriano Garsia
Roger Horn
Pao Ming Pu

Charles Loewner (29 May 1893 – 8 January 1968) was an American mathematician. His name was Karel Löwner in Czech and Karl Löwner in German.

Karl Loewner was born into a Jewish family in Lany, about 30 km from Prague, where his father Sigmund Löwner was a store owner.[1][2]

Loewner received his Ph.D. from the

University of Prague in 1917 under supervision of Georg Pick
. One of his central mathematical contributions is the proof of the
P. M. Pu

Loewner's torus inequality

In 1949 Loewner proved his torus inequality, to the effect that every metric on the 2-torus satisfies the optimal inequality

where sys is its systole. The boundary case of equality is attained if and only if the metric is flat and homothetic to the so-called equilateral torus, i.e. torus whose group of deck transformations is precisely the hexagonal lattice spanned by the cube roots of unity in .

Loewner matrix theorem

The Loewner matrix (in

linear operator
(of real functions) associated with 2 input parameters consisting of (1) a real
continuously differentiable
function on a subinterval of the real numbers and (2) an -dimensional vector with elements chosen from the subinterval; the 2 input parameters are assigned an output parameter consisting of an matrix.[3]

Let be a real-valued function that is continuously differentiable on the

open interval

For any define the divided difference of at as


Given , the Loewner matrix associated with for is defined as the matrix whose -entry is .

In his fundamental 1934 paper, Loewner proved that for each positive integer , is -monotone on if and only if is

positive semidefinite
for any choice of .[3][4][5] Most significantly, using this equivalence, he proved that is -monotone on for all if and only if is real analytic with an analytic continuation to the upper half plane that has a positive imaginary part on the upper plane. See Operator monotone function.

Continuous groups

"During [Loewner's] 1955 visit to Berkeley he gave a course on

The MIT Press,[7] and re-issued in 2008.[8]

In Loewner's terminology, if and a

group action
is performed on , then is called a quantity (page 10). The distinction is made between an abstract group and a realization of in terms of
linear transformations that yield a group representation. These linear transformations are Jacobians
denoted (page 41). The term invariant density is used for the
Adolph Hurwitz (page 46). Loewner proves that compact groups
have equal left and right invariant densities (page 48).

A reviewer said, "The reader is helped by illuminating examples and comments on relations with analysis and geometry."[9]

See also


  • Berger, Marcel: À l'ombre de Loewner. (French) Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 5 (1972), 241–260.
  • Loewner, Charles; Nirenberg, Louis: Partial differential equations invariant under conformal or projective transformations. Contributions to analysis (a collection of papers dedicated to Lipman Bers), pp. 245–272. Academic Press, New York, 1974.

External links