Cohomology ring

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


continuous mapping of spaces one obtains a ring homomorphism
on cohomology rings, which is contravariant.

Specifically, given a sequence of cohomology groups Hk(X;R) on X with coefficients in a commutative ring R (typically R is Zn, Z, Q, R, or C) one can define the cup product, which takes the form

The cup product gives a multiplication on the direct sum of the cohomology groups

This multiplication turns H(X;R) into a ring. In fact, it is naturally an N-graded ring with the nonnegative integer k serving as the degree. The cup product respects this grading.

The cohomology ring is

in the sense that the cup product commutes up to a sign determined by the grading. Specifically, for pure elements of degree k and ℓ; we have

A numerical invariant derived from the cohomology ring is the cup-length, which means the maximum number of graded elements of degree ≥ 1 that when multiplied give a non-zero result. For example a complex projective space has cup-length equal to its complex dimension.


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  • By the
    Künneth formula
    , the mod 2 cohomology ring of the cartesian product of n copies of is a polynomial ring in n variables with coefficients in .
  • The reduced cohomology ring of wedge sums is the direct product of their reduced cohomology rings.
  • The cohomology ring of suspensions vanishes except for the degree 0 part.

See also


  • Novikov, S. P. (1996). Topology I, General Survey. Springer-Verlag. .
  • Hatcher, Allen (2002), Algebraic Topology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, .