Congested Districts Board (Scotland)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Congested Districts Board (Scotland) was set up by the Congested Districts (Scotland) Act, 1897 for the purpose of administering the sums made available by the

British Government for the improvement of congested districts in the Highlands and Islands

Formally titled the Congested Districts (Scotland) Commissioners, the Board consisted of the

Crofters' Commission, and up to three other people nominated by the Secretary for Scotland[1]

The main aims of the Board were to aid and develop

M.P., who was then serving as the Chief Secretary for Ireland

An example of their work was the construction of a small jetty and slip on

the Admiralty and the owner (Macleod of Macleod) for many years, it was only really the petition of the community and their minister and the creation of the CDB that prompted action. The project was undertaken by Scottish Office
engineers with St Kildan labour, but fully funded and administered by the CDB.

The Board was abolished by section 28 of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Act 1911, and its powers and duties transferred to the

Scottish Ministers


Haythornthwaite, J.A.; N.C. Wilson; V.A. Batho (1993). "Scotland in the nineteenth century, an analytical bibliography of material relating to Scotland in parliamentary papers, 1800-1900, section 8.4". Retrieved 1 April 2007.

  1. ^ Congested Districts (Scotland) Act, 1897, section 1
  2. ^ Small Landholders (Scotland) Act 1911, sections 4 and 28.

See also