Constantin Niță

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Niță speaking to a Social Democratic Youth audience in Otopeni, September 2009

Constantin Niță (born November 27, 1955) is a

Romanian Chamber of Deputies for Brașov County since 2000. In the Emil Boc cabinet, he was Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment
from 2008 to 2009.

He is married and has one child.[1]


He was born in

Transylvania University of Brașov; since 2001, he has taught Marketing at the George Barițiu University of Brașov.[2] Niță has co-written five books on marketing and tourism, written one, and published over 50 articles in specialty magazines. His first job was as an economist from 1978 to 1983; he headed the export division at a truck factory in Brașov. From 1983 to 1986 he was also an economist at a motor vehicle import-export firm in Brașov, and from 1986 to 1993 headed a travel agency in that city. From 1990 to 1993 he was director of the Pîrîul Rece resort there, and from 1993 to 1997 he led an agency coordinating protocol visits to the Prahova Valley. From 1997 to 2000 he directed another Brașov travel agency. He belongs to a number of civic associations in his adopted city.[1]

From 1994 to 1997, Niță was vice president of the Brașov organisation of the PDSR, predecessor to the PSD.

autumn election.[14] In May 2017, Niță was sentenced to four years' imprisonment for influence peddling.[15]


  1. ^ a b c d e (in Romanian) Profile at the Romanian Government site Archived 2014-02-26 at; retrieved May 19, 2009
  2. ^ a b c (in Romanian) Profile at the Brașov County PSD site Archived 2009-05-19 at the Wayback Machine; retrieved May 19, 2009
  3. ^ (in Romanian) Florin Ciornei, "'PSD, un 'dosar' greu pentru procurorul Victor Ponta" ("PSD, a Difficult 'Dossier' for Prosecutor Victor Ponta"), Evenimentul Zilei, 22 February 2010; accessed July 13, 2010
  4. ^ (in Romanian) Profile at the Romanian Chamber of Deputies site; retrieved May 19, 2009
  5. ^ (in Romanian) Election results,; retrieved May 19, 2009
  6. ^ (in Romanian) Mircea Marian, "Un deputat a dormit într-un an la hotel 492 de nopți" ("In a Year, a Deputy Slept 492 Nights in a Hotel"), Adevărul, 26 July 2005; retrieved May 19, 2009
  7. ^ a b (in Romanian) Iulian Rinder, "Confruntare în colegiul milionarilor" ("Confrontation in the Millionaires' College"), România Liberă, 26 November 2008; retrieved May 19, 2009
  8. ^ (in Romanian) "Deputatul Constantin Niță dezminte că are legături cu Mafia italiană" ("The Deputy Constantin Niță Denies Having Links to the Italian Mafia") Archived 2007-06-29 at, Ziua, 1 February 2002; retrieved May 19, 2009
  9. ^ (in Romanian) "Guvern de regățeni, cu 'moț' ardelean" ("Old Kingdom Government, with a Few Transylvanians") Archived 2009-05-22 at the Wayback Machine, Adevărul, 19 December 2008; retrieved May 19, 2009
  10. ^ (in Romanian) "Constantin Niță își deleagă atribuțiile de conducere de la PSD Brașov" ("Constantin Niță Delegates His PSD Brașov Leadership Duties"), Mediafax, 21 December 2008; retrieved May 19, 2009
  11. ^ (in Romanian) "Niță: Aproape 40 la sută dintre IMM-uri ar putea da faliment" ("Niță: Almost 40% of Small and Medium Enterprises Could Go Bankrupt"), Mediafax, 12 February 2009; retrieved May 19, 2009
  12. ^ (in Romanian) Adriana Rosoga, "Constantin Niță, ministrul pentru IMM-uri: Atragem puțini bani și pentru prea puține firme" ("Constantin Niță, Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises: We Attract Little Money and for too Few Firms"), Ziarul Financiar, 9 January 2009; retrieved May 19, 2009
  13. ^ (in Romanian) "Miniștrii PSD și-au depus demisiile la cabinetul premierului Emil Boc" ("PSD Ministers Submit Their Resignations in the Office of Prime Minister Emil Boc"), Mediafax, 1 October 2009; accessed October 1, 2009
  14. ^ (in Romanian) Lucian Negrea, "Liderul PSD Brașov, Constantin Niță, se retrage din viața politică" ("Brașov PSD Leader Constantin Niță Withdraws from Politics"), Mediafax, 28 March 2016; accessed April 9, 2016
  15. ^ (in Romanian) Alexandra Stroe, "Fostul ministru Constantin Niță, condamnat la patru ani de închisoare cu executare" ("Former Minister Constantin Niță, Sentenced to Four Years' Imprisonment"), Mediafax, 26 May 2017; accessed May 26, 2016

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