
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

CoolSculpting is the brand name for a type of

subcutaneous adipose tissue in certain localized areas of the body to reduce areas of fat.[1][2][3] It is Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved for treatment of the submental area, under the jawline, the upper arms, lumbar rolls, brassiere rolls, flank area, abdomen, thighs, and under the buttocks.[1] CoolSculpting is among the most widely used forms of cryolipolysis.[1] Often the terms "cryolipolysis" and "CoolSculpting" are used synonymously or interchangeably.[4][2]

Effectiveness data provided by the manufacturer of CoolSculpting indicates that following 1 to 3 treatments on 7 different areas and follow-up of 3 to 6 months after final treatment, before-and-after photos were classified correctly 84 to 91% of the time by independent physician raters, fat layer thickness measured by

caliper-measured skinfold thickness of 14.7 to 28.5%, reductions in ultrasound-measured skinfold thickness of 10.3 to 25.5%, and high rates of patient satisfaction.[6] A 2023 review of 18 studies of cryolipolysis found average reduction in fat thickness of 2.0 to 5.1 mm or 16.6 to 32.3% on ultrasound and of 2.3 to 7 mm or 14.9 to 21.5% with caliper.[2] The review concluded that cryolipolysis is safe and modestly effective for reducing focal adiposity, but that the quality of available data was low.[2]

Complications of cryolipolysis include

Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) may occur less commonly.[7][8] PAH is a rare reaction characterized by fatty enlargement of the treatment area months after application.[8] A 2023 review found 4 cases in the reviewed studies, or an incidence of about 0.12% across 3,445 treatment cycles in 976 patients.[2] However, the incidence of PAH may be underestimated, with some centers finding rates of 0.67 to 1.0%.[8][9] PAH can be treated with surgical liposuction and/or abdominoplasty.[8]

CoolSculpting was developed and marketed by

Litigation has occurred due to adverse effects of cryolipolysis.[11]

See also
