Ibn H'ddri

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Meq'ed Ibn H'ddri, also Meq'ed of Hothail Albogoom (

Hothail. In the mid-19th century, he lived at Abar Alzayddi (Al-zayddi wells, which belonged to H'addri's uncle Mazyad Pasha Ibn Dhumain) to the east of Alnir mountain in Najd. He was considered one of the most prominent knights of the Arabian Peninsula and a well-known owner of Arabian horse studs,[1]
including Ma'anagi H'ddri(or Hidrigi), Saklawi H'ddri and Kuhaila H'ddri.


Ma'anagi H'ddri

Ibn H'addri captured a horse from

Rabi`ah Ibn Nizar Ibn Ma'ed. Al A'awajiyat is breed of Prophet Solomon's horse.[3] A famous horse of Ma’anagi H'ddri stud is Darley. Napoleon's
horse was Ma’anagi H'ddri.

Darley Arabian

Darley Arabian

Darley Arabian was one of three foundation sires of modern thoroughbred horse racing bloodstock. In 95% of modern Thoroughbred racehorses, the Y chromosome can be traced back to this single stallion.[4]

The Darley Arabian sired Flying Childers and was the great-great-grandsire of the stallion Eclipse. The Darley Arabian was the most important sire in the history of the English Thoroughbred.[5]



Eclipse (1 April 1764 – 26 February 1789) was an outstanding, undefeated 18th-century British thoroughbred. It won 18 races. It died due to colic on 26 February 1789, at age 24;[6] his skeleton is now housed at the Royal Veterinary College.[7]

Saklawi H'ddri

Saklawi H'ddri stud was attributed to Ibn Hidri originally for Juhail Ibn Jadraan (Saklawi Jadrani). Sheikh Faisal and Sheikh Abdullrahman Ibn Sha'lan had this stud until it was transferred to Italy. Many of the more highly valued class of horses today trace their lineage to this stud.[8]

Kuhaila H'ddri

Kuhaila H'ddri stud was attributed to Ibn H'addri.[9][10]


  1. ^ موسوعة قبيلة البقوم لـ فيصل الرياحي
  2. ^ The Black Tents of Arabia by Carl Raswan
  3. ^ أنساب الخيل لابن الكلبي
  4. ^ 95% of thoroughbreds linked to one superstud by John Pickrell, Dublin
  5. ^ DarleyArabian
  6. ^ Eclipse
  7. ^ Royal veterinary college Why was the racehorse Eclipse so good?
  8. ^ Modern Arabian Horse Sire Lines by Hamad AL-Jasser
  9. ^ Modern Arabian Horse Sire Lines by Hamad AL-Jasser
  10. ^ الخيل العراب لـ محمد النجيفي