Janez Jalen

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Jalen Janez

Janez Jalen (26 May 1891 – 12 April 1966) was a Slovene writer and priest.


Janez Jalen was born into a rural family in the

Trnovo,[1] Notranje Gorice and Ljubljana where he took early retirement in 1933. After the Second World War he re-entered service and was priest in Grahovo[2] and finally Ljubno
where he died. He is buried in Rodine.


In his early period Jalen dedicated most of his time to writing plays depicting rural life at the time of the First World War. Among these are Dom (Home, 1923), Srenja (The Common, 1924), and Bratje (Brothers, 1931). Later he began writing prose, in which he also deals with rural life, albeit in a slightly idyllic way. His first novel, Ovčar Marko (Shepherd Marko), was originally published in installments in the magazine Mladika in 1928, the book only being published a year later. In 1958, it was re-published as the first part of Vozarji, an intended quartet about rural life. Jalen died before publishing any further volumes. His best-known work is a tale of a prehistoric people living in the marsh south of Ljubljana, titled Bobri (Beavers) which was published in three parts (Sam, Rod, Vrh; 1942–43). At his death a number of works remained unfinished and unpublished.

Other works
  • Nevesta (The Bride, play, 1936)
  • Grobovi (Graves, play, 1936)
  • Lesena peč (The Wooden Stove, play, 1937)
  • Cilka Cvetko (novel, 1939)
  • Previsi (Cliffs, collection of tales and short stories, 1940)
  • Trop brez zvoncev (The Bell-Less Herd, novel, 1941)
  • Ograd (The Fence, novel, 1961)
  • Razpotja (Crossroads, novel, not published until 2003)


  1. ^ "Trnovo Info (Slovene)". Archived from the original on 2013-03-30. Retrieved 2013-01-31.
  2. ^ "Kram.si Slovene". Archived from the original on 2013-12-13. Retrieved 2013-01-31.

External links