La Rose, la violette et le papillon

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

La Rose, la violette et le papillon (The Rose, the Violet, and the Butterfly) is a

Duke Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg. The libretto was by Jules Perrot

First presented by the

Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre, St. Petersburg, Russia. The Principal Dancers were Mariia Surovshchikova-Petipa (the Rose), Matilda Madaeva (the Violet), and Marfa Muravieva
(as the Butterfly).

Plot outline

A rose and a violet have both become enamoured by a gorgeous butterfly who flutters around them, paying court to their sweet embrace. The blossoms attempt to succeed the other with their floral charms, however at the end of these proceedings, the butterfly chooses to fly away rather than exclude one over the other.
