Maria of Gaeta

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Maria of Gaeta (born c. 1020) was an Italian regent, countess of Aquino by marriage and regent of the Duchy of Gaeta for her son in 1062–65.

She was daughter of

Ranulf Drengot in 1045.[1]

Her eldest son was betrothed to a daughter of

morgengab anyway and Gaeta became a feudatory of Capua

As senatrix and ducissa of Gaeta, Maria ruled as

Traietto, Maranola, and Suio. The allies were excluded from forming any pact with the Normans and sworn to protect the territory of the Gaetan duchy. The treaty was finalised at Traietto and was to last for a year. The league was successful in preventing Richard of Capua from extending his conquests during the year.[3]
However, Richard skillfully negotiated to prevent a renewal of the pact and on 28 June 1063, he was in possession of Gaeta.

Maria allied with the counts of Traietto and Aquino, her sons Lando and the aforementioned Atenulf, and with William of Montreuil, who repudiated his wife in order to marry her, in late 1064.[4] In February 1065, the revolted were put down by Richard of Capua and Maria and William were expelled from Gaeta. Richard offered to compensate her by marrying her to his son Jordan.[5]


  1. ^ Amatus II.41, p 83.
  2. Codex Caietanus
    , t. II, pp 41–43.
  3. ^ Chalandon, p 217.
  4. ^ Amatus VI.1.
  5. ^ Amatus V.1, pp 148–150.
