New Orleans African American Museum

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The historic Meilleur-Goldthwaite House, currently the NOAAM

The New Orleans African American Museum (NOAAM) is a museum in

, and contemporary times.


The NOAAM property encompasses seven historical structures located on the site of a former

raised center-hall cottage
with large dormer windows. Its outbuildings, original interior, and much of the large lot on which it was built have been preserved as part of the site.

In September 1991, the Villa Meilleur was purchased by the City of New Orleans. This

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

It has become the cornerstone of redevelopment in Tremé. Permanent and temporary exhibits spotlight contemporary artists in the main house and in the former slave quarters. Having suffered substantial roof and water damage during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the museum was restored and reopened in February 2008. Additional improvements to the remaining structures started under the leadership of former Executive Director Jonn Hankins.

Collection and exhibits

One of the museum's centerpieces is the "Louisiana-Congo: the Bertrand Donation," a collection of

folk culture. Other exhibits change regularly and highlight a range of works from traditional African art, to black influences and culture in modern life in New Orleans.[4]

In 2008, the NOAAM participated in

John Rosenthal

In January 2011, the city awarded the museum a $3 million (~$4.01 million in 2023)

CDBG grant, to undertake renovation of existing properties: Villa Meilleur, Passebon Cottage (1843) and Passebon's servant quarters. In addition, the museum will acquire 1417-1419 Governor Nicholls Street to expand its campus. The latter building will be used to house administration, community events, and other support functions. The changes will enable the museum to collaborate more with area universities in "creative arts, museum studies, art, history, archiving and educational programming."[7]

The Museum is featured as a site on the Louisiana African American Heritage Trail.[8]

See also


External links