Particle physics in cosmology

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

early universe, when the average energy density was very high. The processes of particle pair production, scattering and decay
influence the cosmology.

As a rough approximation, a particle scattering or decay process is important at a particular

cosmological epoch if its time scale is shorter than or similar to the time scale of the universe's expansion
. The latter quantity is where is the time-dependent
Hubble parameter. This is roughly equal to the age of the universe
at that time.

For example, the

mean lifetime to decay of about 26 nanoseconds. This means that particle physics processes involving pion decay can be neglected until roughly that much time has passed since the Big Bang

Cosmological observations of phenomena such as the

beyond the Standard Model

Further reading

  • Allday, Jonathan (2002). Quarks, Leptons and the Big Bang (Second ed.). .
  • .
  • Branco, G. C., Shafi, Q., & Silva-Marcos, J. I. (2001). Recent developments in particle physics and cosmology. Dordrecht:
  • Collins, P. D. B. (2007). Particle physics and cosmology. New York:
  • Kazakov, D. I., & Smadja, G. (2005). Particle physics and cosmology the interface. NATO science series, v. 188. Dordecht:
  • "Science and technology - Cosmology and particle physics - What can the matter B?". .

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