Polish decrees

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Poster in German and Polish describing "Obligations of Polish workers in Germany" including death sentence to every man and woman from Poland for sex with a German

Polish decrees, Polish directives or decrees on Poles (

used during World War II as forced laborers in Germany.[1] The regulation intentionally supported and even created anti-Polish racism and discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity and racial background.[1]
: 72 


Anti-Polish poster published by Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland (Association for 'Germanness' abroad) Gauverband Danzig Westpreußen (Association of the "shire or county", Gdansk, West Prussia)
Polish-forced-workers' badge

The decrees were an important step towards

seasonal labor.[1]
: 74 

Specific content

Kienzle Uhren factory ID card, from 1944, of 16 years old forced labor worker from Poland

Polish workers were required to wear a clearly visible letter "

kidnapping of Polish children by Nazi Germany

Punishments for disobedience for Polish workers included being sent to a

concentration camp and the death penalty.[1]: 74 [1]: 73  Germans who disobeyed those laws by helping or sympathizing with the workers were to be punished as well, in extreme cases, by being sent to concentration camps.[1]
: 74 

Maintain the purity of German blood! That applies to both men and women! Just as it is considered the greatest disgrace to become involved with a Jew, any German engaging in intimate relations with a Polish male or female is guilty of sinful behavior. Despise the bestial urges of this race! Be racially conscious and protect your children. Otherwise you will forfeit your greatest asset: your honor![3]


Arbeitsbuch Für Ausländer (Workbook for Foreigner) identity document issued to a Polish Forced Labourer in 1942 by the Germans together with a letter "P" patch that Poles were required to wear to distinguish them from the German population.

After the invasion of Poland, Poles over the age of 14 living in the General Government were subject to compulsory labor.[4] In 1939 there were about 300,000 prisoners from Poland working in Germany;[5] Already in 1944 there were about 2,8 m Polish Zivilarbeiters in Germany (approximately 10% of Generalgouvernement workforce)[6] and a similar number of workers in this category from other countries.[5] Forced laborers worked in agriculture, but also manufacturing.[7]

Where voluntary recruitment failed to yield a required number of workers, penalties were issued on communities that failed to provide workers (confiscation of property, fines); later, manhunts were organized (see łapanka).[8]

Workers' lives were almost totally regimented.[1]: 74 

In December 1941 the decrees were supplemented by Polish Criminal Regulation (Polenstrafrechtsverordnung), which introduced

OST-Arbeiter (workers from territories taken from Soviet Union); based on the Polish decrees.[9]

See also


  1. ^ .
  2. ^ a b "Poles: Victims of the Nazi Era". United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Archived from the original on 3 March 2013. Retrieved 24 May 2013.
  3. .
  4. .
  5. ^ a b John C. Beyer; Stephen A. Schneider. "Forced Labor under Third Reich - Part 1" (PDF). Nathan Associates Inc. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 March 2009. Retrieved 17 July 2009. and John C. Beyer; Stephen A. Schneider. "Forced Labor under Third Reich – Part 2" (PDF). Nathan Associates Inc. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 March 2009. Retrieved 17 July 2009.
  6. ^ A. Paczkowski, Historia Powszechna/Historia Polski, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008, tom 16, p. 28
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .

External links