Topological property

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In topology and related areas of mathematics, a topological property or topological invariant is a property of a topological space that is invariant under homeomorphisms. Alternatively, a topological property is a proper class of topological spaces which is closed under homeomorphisms. That is, a property of spaces is a topological property if whenever a space X possesses that property every space homeomorphic to X possesses that property. Informally, a topological property is a property of the space that can be expressed using open sets.

A common problem in topology is to decide whether two topological spaces are

or not. To prove that two spaces are not homeomorphic, it is sufficient to find a topological property which is not shared by them.

Properties of topological properties

A property is:

  • Hereditary, if for every topological space and subset the
    has property
  • Weakly hereditary, if for every topological space and closed subset the subspace has property

Common topological properties

Cardinal functions

  • The cardinality of the space .
  • The cardinality of the topology (the set of open subsets) of the space .
  • Weight , the least cardinality of a
    basis of the topology
    of the space .
  • Density , the least cardinality of a subset of whose closure is .


Some of these terms are defined differently in older mathematical literature; see history of the separation axioms.

Countability conditions

  • Separable. A space is
    dense subset.
  • First-countable. A space is
    local base.
  • Second-countable. A space is
    base for its topology. Second-countable spaces are always separable, first-countable and Lindelöf.


  • Connected. A space is connected if it is not the union of a pair of disjoint non-empty open sets. Equivalently, a space is connected if the only clopen sets are the empty set and itself.
  • Locally connected. A space is
    locally connected
    if every point has a local base consisting of connected sets.
  • Totally disconnected. A space is
    totally disconnected
    if it has no connected subset with more than one point.
  • Path-connected. A space X is
    if for every two points x, y in X, there is a path p from x to y, i.e., a continuous map p: [0,1] → X with p(0) = x and p(1) = y. Path-connected spaces are always connected.
  • Locally path-connected. A space is
    locally path-connected
    if every point has a local base consisting of path-connected sets. A locally path-connected space is connected if and only if it is path-connected.
  • Arc-connected. A space X is
    continuous map with and . Arc-connected spaces are path-connected.
  • Simply connected. A space X is
    simply connected
    if it is path-connected and every continuous map is
    to a constant map.
  • Locally simply connected. A space X is locally simply connected if every point x in X has a local base of neighborhoods U that is simply connected.
  • Semi-locally simply connected. A space X is
    universal cover
  • Contractible. A space X is contractible if the identity map on X is homotopic to a constant map. Contractible spaces are always simply connected.
  • Hyperconnected. A space is
    if no two non-empty open sets are disjoint. Every hyperconnected space is connected.
  • Ultraconnected. A space is
    if no two non-empty closed sets are disjoint. Every ultraconnected space is path-connected.
  • Indiscrete or trivial. A space is
    indiscrete if the only open sets are the empty set and itself. Such a space is said to have the trivial topology



  • Metrizable. A space is metrizable if it is homeomorphic to a metric space. Metrizable spaces are always Hausdorff and paracompact (and hence normal and Tychonoff), and first-countable. Moreover, a topological space is said to be metrizable if there exists a metric for such that the metric topology is identical with the topology
  • Polish. A space is called Polish if it is metrizable with a separable and complete metric.
  • Locally metrizable. A space is locally metrizable if every point has a metrizable neighbourhood.


  • Baire space. A space X is a Baire space if it is not meagre in itself. Equivalently, X is a Baire space if the intersection of countably many dense open sets is dense.
  • Door space. A topological space is a door space if every subset is open or closed (or both).
  • Topological Homogeneity. A space X is (topologically) homogeneous if for every x and y in X there is a homeomorphism such that Intuitively speaking, this means that the space looks the same at every point. All topological groups are homogeneous.
  • Finitely generated or Alexandrov. A space X is Alexandrov if arbitrary intersections of open sets in X are open, or equivalently if arbitrary unions of closed sets are closed. These are precisely the finitely generated members of the category of topological spaces and continuous maps.
  • Zero-dimensional. A space is
    zero-dimensional if it has a base of clopen sets. These are precisely the spaces with a small inductive dimension
    of 0.
  • Almost discrete. A space is almost discrete if every open set is closed (hence clopen). The almost discrete spaces are precisely the finitely generated zero-dimensional spaces.
  • Boolean. A space is
    Boolean if it is zero-dimensional, compact and Hausdorff (equivalently, totally disconnected, compact and Hausdorff). These are precisely the spaces that are homeomorphic to the Stone spaces of Boolean algebras
  • Reidemeister torsion
  • -resolvable. A space is said to be κ-resolvable[1] (respectively: almost κ-resolvable) if it contains κ dense sets that are pairwise disjoint (respectively: almost disjoint over the ideal of nowhere dense subsets). If the space is not -resolvable then it is called -irresolvable.
  • Maximally resolvable. Space is maximally resolvable if it is -resolvable, where Number is called dispersion character of
  • Strongly discrete. Set is strongly discrete subset of the space if the points in may be separated by pairwise disjoint neighborhoods. Space is said to be strongly discrete if every non-isolated point of is the
    accumulation point
    of some strongly discrete set.

Non-topological properties

There are many examples of properties of metric spaces, etc, which are not topological properties. To show a property is not topological, it is sufficient to find two homeomorphic topological spaces such that has , but does not have .

For example, the metric space properties of boundedness and completeness are not topological properties. Let and be metric spaces with the standard metric. Then, via the homeomorphism . However, is complete but not bounded, while is bounded but not complete.

See also

  • Characteristic class – Association of cohomology classes to principal bundles
  • Characteristic numbers
     – Association of cohomology classes to principal bundles
  • Chern class – Characteristic classes of vector bundles
  • Euler characteristic – Topological invariant in mathematics
  • Fixed-point property – Mathematical property
  • Homology and cohomology
  • Cohomotopy group
  • Knot invariant – Function of a knot that takes the same value for equivalent knots
  • Linking number – Numerical invariant that describes the linking of two closed curves in three-dimensional space
  • List of topologies – List of concrete topologies and topological spaces
  • Quantum invariant – Concept in mathematical knot theory
  • Topological quantum number – Physical quantities that take discrete values because of topological quantum physical effects
  • Winding number – Number of times a curve wraps around a point in the plane



[2] Simon Moulieras, Maciej Lewenstein and Graciana Puentes, Entanglement engineering and topological protection by discrete-time quantum walks, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (10), 104005 (2013).