Triangular function

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Exemplary triangular function

A triangular function (also known as a triangle function, hat function, or tent function) is a function whose graph takes the shape of a triangle. Often this is an

Bartlett window


The most common definition is as a piecewise function:

Equivalently, it may be defined as the convolution of two identical unit rectangular functions:

The triangular function can also be represented as the product of the rectangular and absolute value functions:

Alternative triangle function

Note that some authors instead define the triangle function to have a base of width 1 instead of width 2:

In its most general form a triangular function is any linear B-spline:[1]

Whereas the definition at the top is a special case

where , , and .

A linear B-spline is the same as a continuous piecewise linear function , and this general triangle function is useful to formally define as

where for all integer . The piecewise linear function passes through every point expressed as coordinates with ordered pair , that is,



For any parameter :

Fourier transform

The transform is easily determined using the convolution property of Fourier transforms and the Fourier transform of the rectangular function:

where is the normalized sinc function.

See also


  1. ^ "Basic properties of splines and B-splines" (PDF). INF-MAT5340 Lecture Notes. p. 38.