Two suiter

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


. Traditionally a hand is considered a two suiter if it contains at least ten cards in two suits, with the two suits not differing in length by more than one card. Depending on suit quality and partnership agreement different classification schemes are viable. The more modern trend is to lower the threshold of ten cards to nine cards and consider 5-4 distributions also two suiters.

The six possible combinations are given the names "

rounded suits
" (hearts and clubs).

When including two suited hands with 5-4 distribution, two suiters have a high

likelihood of occurrence, and the modern preemptive style is to incorporate such two-suited hands in the arsenal of preemptive openings. Example of such a preemptive conventional opening is the Muiderberg convention. Some take this aggressive style even further and use Ekren
to preemptively open on a 4-4 in the majors.


Lionel and CoCa can be used to denote a two suiter over an opposing 1NT

See also

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