
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
``Here to sacrifice,
infernal hate device,
Satan's go-between,
kneel and die before
the Internet Hate Machine!´´
huEnnek a szerkesztőnek magyar az anyanyelve.
en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-0Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse.
IT This user is a native programmer.
Ez itt a reklám hűlt helye.
NO This user doesn't care.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of
humor and parody, Drhlajos also has a user page on Uncyclopedia
Public domainContent contributed by this user is released into the public domain.
C-1This user is a beginning C programmer.
prog-3This user is an advanced programmer.
pasThis user can program in Pascal.
cvg-5This user is a professional gamer.
SIThis user uses the
metric system and loves it.
This user likes trigonometry.

This user supports recycling.
public transit
This user supports the use of nuclear energy.
This user prefers that the death penalty be used far more often.
This user is a railfan.
*_*This user loves anime.
This user prefers to watch
their anime subbed.
. Approach with extreme caution-they may be highly unstable.
This user is an infectious substance.
This user is an explosive.
The No Smoking sign This user is against smoking.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user knows by heart the first 9 digits in the decimal representation of pi.

This article appears to have no redeeming value and is hence a candidate for speedy deletion.

If it can be expanded to be more than useless clutter, please do so and remove this message.
If this article is not improved within 7 days it may be

without mercy.
Removal of this notice without a permissable reason can result in a ban.