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Integral Mission (also known as transformational development, Christian development or holistic mission) is a term coined in the 1970s by

groups in all the other continents of the world.

The word

Liberation Theology

The proponents of integral mission argue that the concept is nothing new; it is only that a distinct vocabulary for a

holistic understanding of mission has become important in the past forty years in order to distinguish it from widely held but more dualistic

A commitment to integral mission is often reflected in particular concern for those living in poverty and a commitment to pursuing justice.

Although strongly influenced by



The process of defining integral mission and the journey of its acceptance by significant numbers of


In 1966, the Congress on the World Mission of the Church, held in Wheaton,

population explosion, poverty, family disintegration, social revolution, and communism.” [1]

That same year the World Congress on Evangelization in

Christ, it would have a far greater impact on the social, moral and psychological needs of men than it could achieve through anything else it could possibly do[2]. However, the question of Christian social involvement came up repeatedly during the ensuing regional congresses[3]

The International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne in 1974 is regarded by some as “the most important world-wide evangelical gathering of the twentieth century”[4]. The Lausanne Covenant affirmed that

God is both the Creator and the Judge of all men. We therefore should share his concern for justice and reconciliation throughout human society and for the liberation of men from every kind of oppression…we express penitence both for our neglect and for having sometimes regarded evangelism and social concern as mutually exclusive


Following the

understanding of mission. (eg International Consultation on Gospel and Culture in Bermuda, 1978, the Second Latin America Congress on Evangelism in Peru, 1979).

In the

Evangelical conception of mission.[6]

In 1982 the International Consultation on the Relationship of Evangelism and Social Responsibility concluded that the latter is a consequence of, a bridge to and partner of the former.[7] The document published maintained the primacy of evangelism however, despite its affirmation that the two are, in practice, “inseparable”. [8]

In 1983, the Consultation on the Church in Response to Human Need in Wheaton, Illinois, led to the publication of ‘’Transformation: The Church in Response to Human Need’’, perhaps the strongest evangelical affirmation of integral Mission[9]. It is explicit in its denunciation of injustice, and churches and Christina organisations who “by silence giVinay Samuel and Chris Sugden, The Church in Response to Human Need, Oxford 1987ve their tacit support” to “the socio-economic status-quo”.[10]

The last decade

In 1999 a global network of

organisations committed to Integral Mission was established and christened the Micah Network because of the centrality of Micah 6:8 to the concept of Integral Mission:

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.

Their members represent

Evangelical Christians
from 360 organisations in 81 countries.

  1. ^ ‘The Wheaton Declaration’, Evangelical Mission Quarterly 2 (Summer 1966), 231-44.
  2. ^ ”.Billy Graham, Why the Berlin Congress, Christianity Today 11 (11 November 1966), 133
  3. ^ see C. René Padilla, How Evangelicals Endorsed Social Responsibility 1966-1983, Transformation 2:3 (1985)
  4. ^ C. René Padilla, ‘’Integral Mission and its Historical Development’’, Justice, Mercy & Humility: Integral Mission and the Poor, Tim Chester (ed.) 2002
  5. ^ John Stott, ‘’Making Christ Known: Historic Mission Documents from the Lausanne Movement, 1974-1989’’ (Carlisle, UK:Paternoster, 1996) 24
  6. ^ Lifestyle in the Eighties: An Evangelical Commitment to Simple Lifestyle, Ron Sider ed., Philadelpahia: Westminster, 1982
  7. ^ John Stott, Making Christ Known, 182
  8. ^ Document published in Bruce Nichols, In Word and Deed, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1986
  9. ^ see Justice, Mercy & Humility
  10. ^ Insert footnote text here