
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Everything in the first paragraph is done very well when it is talking about the stem cells in general. I did not think it was necessary to add anymore information about the stem cell aspect because it would not have made the article any better. The lymphatic vessels include things such as arteries and veins. Endothelial cells can be found throughout the whole vascular system and they also play a vital role in the movement of white blood cells (Alberts et al. 2002).


Since these cells come from the mesoderm, it can become a wide variety of different things found in many different parts of the body (Alberts et al. 2002). Add this to the end part of the opening part of the "Development" section.

Role of insulin-like growth factors in endothelium differentiation

(adding more detail about vasculogenesis). It is important to talk more about vasculogenesis because this is what makes ECs different from other types of cells that are found in the body. During vasculogenesis, the heart and vascular plexus form while the organism is still an embryo, compared to anigiogenesis which is essentially the extension of this (Patan 2004). Another difference major difference between the two formation processes is that vasculogenesis originates from hemangioblasts, which come from the mesoderm (Patan 2004). There is also differences that occur in the signaling pathways of these two pathways that makes them noticeably different.

Self-renewal and differentiation

Stem cell self-renewal is an extremely important process that is a way for organisms to replace the cells that are no longer working properly. Self-renewal is essential to keep the organism functioning properly and efficiently. The process of self-renewal occurs because of the signals the cells receive from the environment and the things the cell expresses to the environment (Fuchs & Chen 2013). The signals and receptors must function properly at all times so the cells will know what they are supposed to do (Fuchs & Chen 2013). As stated before, proper functioning of the self-renewal system is essential for the organism to live a long healthy life.

Blood Vessel Formation

When vasculogenesis occurs the cells transform into different versions throughout the process to eventually become the earliest blood vessels (Stratman 2015). The cells going through stages from one form to another form is one of the major differences between vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. The angiogenesis. process forms new blood vessels form blood vessels that have already been through vasculogenesis (Stratman 2015).


the section about the markers did not need any information added to it

Role in formation of vascular system

It is important that these hematopoietic stem cells are able to undergo self-renewal because the human body needs billions of new hematopoietic cells each and every day (Domen et al. 2006). If the cells were not able to do this, humans would not be able to survive. There was an experiment that was done involving quail embryos on chicken yolk sacs that found complete opposite results of the experiment done by Sabin. In this experiment, it was found that yolk-sac progenitors only contributed on a small amount to hematopoiesis compared to the embryo (Jaffredo et al. 2005). This experiment also showed that blood cells that were made by the yolk sac were not present when the bird hatched (Jaffredo et al. 2005). Over time there have been experiments done that add to the confusion if the blood cells and red blood cells are related in the yolk sac and embryo.

Role in recovery

The employs many different protective mechanisms when there is endothelium dysfunction that occurs. The reason so many mechanisms are employed is so that the body is protected the best it can, and will be able to respond to any type of pathogen that should happen to invade the body during this dysfunction.

Inverse of endothelial dysfunction also occurs when other risk factors are treated (Hadi 2005).

There was another study done that also showed that after exposure to sevoflurane, the EPCs were able to adhere to endothelial cells better (Vlad 2015). When combining the results from both of the studies, results show that sevoflurane was able to improve the function of EPCs significantly in three different areas of interest.

Role in Cancer

The cancer cells also do not have to travel to a distant site, they can also stay in one location and this is known as the tumor being benign. Metastasized tumors are much harsher form of cancer because the tumors must be treated at many different locations, compared to just one location when the tumor is benign.


Animal models

Works Cited

Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis J……(2002), Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition, Garland Science.

Domen, J., Wagers, A., & Weissman, I., (2006) Bone Marrow (Hematopoietic) Stem Cells, National Institutes of Health (Stem Cell Information). Accessed March 12th, 2020.

Hadi, H., Carr, C,. & Suwaidi, J., (2005), Endothelial Dysfunction: Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Therapy, and Outcome.  Vascular Health and Risk Management, 1(3), 183-198.

Jaffredo, T., Nottingham, W., Liddiard, K., Bollerot, K., Pouget, C., & Bruijin, M., (2005), Experimental Hematology, 33(9), 1029-1040.

Liu, M., & Zhou, J., (2018), Use of animal models for the imaging and quantification of angiogenesis. Experimental Animals, 67(1), 1-6.

Patan, S., (2004) Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, Cancer Treatment Research, 117, 3-32.

Stratman, A., Yu, J., Mulligan, T., Butler, M., Sause, E., & Weinstein, B., (2015), Chapter 24 - Blood Vessel Formation, Principals of Developmental Genetics (Second Addition), 421-449.

Vlad, A., Isvoranu, G., Gilca, M., Ceafalan, L., Surcel, M., Stoian, I., & Manda, G., (2015), Sevoflurane Increases Proliferation, Adhesion on HUVEC and Incorporation in Tubular Structures of Endothelial Progenitor Cells. FASEB, 29(1).

Studies are also done using chick embryos and different parts of the mouse (Liu et al. 2018). 10.1038/embor.2012.197
