User:Nathan.brenn/Evaluate an Article

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Article #1

Community gardening in the United States

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?

This article is quite specific to my sector and the need that it addresses. On this page, they discuss the history and impact of community gardening in the US with examples given. I believe I could add value to this page and improve on all the information already present.

Evaluate the article

This page has a solid baseline structure that includes a detailed overview defining community garden and its role in the United States. They give a well rounded history of community gardening and its trajectory throughout American history, including its ties to post-war eras and food provisioning. The following sections discuss the benefits of community gardening and what problems it addresses. This section could benefit from more elaboration in the "Cultural" section because it is quite limited in scope/lacks detail. The next section gives countless examples of states and cities that have integrated community gardening into their city planning, out of necessity or recreation. They discuss more established organizations on a broad scale rather than specific organizations. Perhaps including some case studies would beneficial present community farms in the most accurate light. Overall, the article is quite detailed and while could use some improvement, gives great insights into the role of community gardening in various spaces across the US.

Article #2

Urban agriculture

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?

This article is precisely what my PE org is addressing with a slightly more general approach. It seems to be short in length so I will have many opportunities to add to the current content.

Evaluate the article

The article has comprehensive information about urban agriculture and peri-urban agriculture. It discusses in depth the main principles of UA, its potential impacts, and the methods and challenges to implementation. At times, certain sections get sidetracked and begin giving a lot of information about an a different topic. Some sections could be developed further and include some more recent information. Their source seem to be reliable, scholarly sources from what a quick skim can gather. Improvements include making urban agriculture the center, apart from peri-urban agriculture (which should probably only have its dedicated wiki page).