User:Sarah.Logan55/Chinook salmon/ENVSstudent104 Peer Review

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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User:Sarah.Logan55/Chinook salmon - Wikipedia
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Chinook salmon - Wikipedia

Evaluate the drafted changes

(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)

Overall a very good read and informative. Good job! The info you wrote about definitely pertains the subject and headers given. They are from credible sources. You have used quite a few and in a constructive way. Organization is not bad, and I think all the info given will make a nice addition to the current page. It provides further info about Chinook salmon and a little about CA native tribes that rely on this important fish.

Here's some minor flaws you may consider in editing: I have copied and pasted the sentence and helped mark where I think possible edits could be made.

  1. " Ocean-5 Chinook, which means the fish has spent five years in the ocean, have declined by before making up 3-5% of the population, to being almost nothing..." I would edit out "by" as I think it sounds better with that word deleted.

2. " What this means in that Chinook are not living as long as they used to. This trend has mostly been seen in Alaska, but also Oregon and Washington" I think "in" could be deleted to make the sentence sound better as well.

3. In Oregon, the Klamath tribes have lied along the Klamath river and the Chinook salmon have been a large part of their lives. It looks like just a "v" is missing here to make "lied" to "lived".

As for suggestions? Maybe see if you can find more info pertaining to native Californias in regard to the salmon. I think this would be a wonderful addition if you can find things on how they caught and cooked salmon. As well as maybe some legends on them too.

My response

Thank you so much for your feedback and for catching some of my mistakes. I will definitely be making those changes as well as adding more information to these sections. Thank you for reviewing my sandbox!!