User:This, that and the other/Twinkle update

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Just clearing up thoughts on how to do it.

  1. checkY Get gadget functionality, etc. working
  2. Make sure there aren't any obvious bugs in the new code
    • Test in IE9, Firefox (versions TBD), Chrome (all versions are pretty much the same, aren't they?), Opera, Safari
    • Search for any XXX comments and see if they are worth fixing
  3. Do evangelism
    • Add info for technically-minded folk at
      (i.e. new prefs mechanism, explanation of for developers of morebits-based scripts, and lots more goodness) (see below)
  4. New documentation, etc.
  5. The big switchover
  6. Relax (as if...)

Suggested spiel for

Prompted by the short-lived switchover to MediaWiki's HTML5-compliant mode on Wikipedia (see

github repository, and has been largely done by UncleDouggie, Tcncv (the initiator, along with Douggie), AzaToth (Twinkle's inventor and owner), and This, that and the other

Users of Twinkle will be able to take advantage of many improvements, including:

Developers of scripts that use the morebits.js library should take note of the following two important points:

  • Obsolescence of and replacement with
  • Changes to loading of morebits.js --- write more here

For users and developers alike, if Twinkle stops working for you, or you have any other problems or questions, don't hesitate to ask them below. Thanks, <sign here>