
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Kingdom of Sardinia


giudicato di Arborea, against the republic of Pisa
. Since 1420 (after the battle of Sanluri) the kingdom of Sardinia extended in the whole island.

The king of

parliament and, since 15??, a supreme court, called the Reale Udienza
. Moreover in the city where the king stayed there was a so-called Supreme Council for Sardinian affairs.

After the fusion between

Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy

The kings of the

statuto albertino
and the now unified kingdom of Sardinia had a 'democratic' parliament.


Italian independence wars and adding the other Italian territories, in 1869 the kingdom of Sardinia changed name into kingdom of Italy. In 1946 with a referendum Italy became a republic and the island of Sardinia
was granted regional autonomy.

Thus present Italy is institutionally nothing else than the old kingdom of Sardinia with an enlarged territory and new democratic institution.

Parliament of Sardinia ssss

Reale Udienza

Bibliography Francesco Cesare Casula, Dizionario storico sardo, Carlo Delfino, Sassari 1996???? idem, Storia di sardegna Goffredo Casalis, Dizionario storico-geografico degli Stati di Sua MAestà il Re di Sardegna, xxxxvoce....xxxxx