User talk:9548coolgirl

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Hello. I'm 9548coolgirl and I love horses. If your a friend or want to become a friend, sign my guestbook. If I'm online this will show:LOL. If I'm not online then it will show like this:BRB Thanks! BRB


Yes, I'd be glad to adopt you. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Burner0718 JibbaJabba! 03:59, 12 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

No, since you asked to be adopted and I said yes, it's a done deal. No paperwork or anything like that, thankfully! Just ask questions and I'll answer them to the best of my ability. Burner<fontBold text color="gray">0718 JibbaJabba! 23:51, 18 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner, real life stuff... You should just be able to type ~~~~ to get your sig to pop up. If you want, I can give you the code for my sig and you (or me) can change it accordingly. Burner0718 JibbaJabba! 05:13, 21 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I added it to my page and yours. I've been really busy lately but I'll try to answer your questions quicker from now on. Sorry! :)

Sorry, I feel like I've been gone for eons... What's up? Burner0718 JibbaJabba! 05:02, 2 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]


I am a horse lover and although I know almost everything about them I would like to know more. Any ideas? 9548coolgirl (talk)


well, i don't know how many edits you have but that could be a big factor. they usually won't allow someone to adopt someone else if they have less than 500 edits. so anyway, sorry i still haven't been on much lately. my life is still really busy with work and college. sorry i haven't been the greatest adopter in the world... as for horses, i don't much about them other than stuff i've seen on tv. sorry. :\ Burner0718 JibbaJabba! 07:47, 22 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
