
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Useware is a term introduced in 1998 to encompass all hardware and

software components of a technical system designed for interactive use. It focuses on technological design in relation to human abilities and needs. A promising method[1]
to design technical products is to understand human abilities and limitations and tailor the technology to them.

Today, Useware necessitates its own development needs, which are sometimes greater than those in classical development fields.[2] Thus, usability is increasingly recognized as a value-adding factor. Often, the Useware of machines with similar or equal technical functions is the only characteristic that sets them apart.[3]

Useware development process (Figure 1)

Useware engineering

Similar to software engineering, Useware engineering implies the standardized production of Useware by engineers and the associated processes (see Fig. 1). The aim of Useware engineering is to develop interfaces that are easy to understand and efficient to use, tailored to human work tasks. Additionally, the interfaces represent machine functionality without overemphasizing it.

Therefore, the objective of systematic Useware engineering guarantees high usability based on the actual tasks of the users. However, it requires an approach that comprises active and iterative participation of different groups of people.

Therefore, the professional associations GfA (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft), GI (

Automatic Control
in the VDI/VDE) agreed in 1998 on defining Useware as a new term. The term "Useware" was intentionally selected in linguistic analogy to hard and software.

Consequently, Useware engineering developed in a similar way to the development of engineering processes (see Fig. 2). This reinforces the principal demand for structured development of user-centered user interfaces, as advocated by Ben Shneiderman.[4] After many years of function-oriented development, human abilities and needs are brought into focus. The only promising method to develop future technology products and systems is to understand the users’ abilities and limitations and to aim the technology in that direction.[1]

The development of various engineering disciplines (Figure 2)

The Useware development process involves the following steps: analysis, structural design, design, realization, and evaluation. These steps should not be considered in isolation but rather as overlapping stages. Maintaining continuity throughout the process and employing appropriate tools, such as those based on the

Extensible Markup Language
(XML), helps prevent information loss and breaks in media.


Humans learn, think, and work in diverse ways. Thus, the initial stage in developing a user interface involves analysing users, their tasks, and their work environment to discern their requirements and needs. This analysis lays the groundwork for a user- and task-oriented interface, considering both humans and machines as interaction partners. Various methods such as structured interviews, observations, and card sorting are employed to understand users and their behaviour comprehensively, aiming to obtain a complete understanding of their tasks, user groups, and work environment. Engaging multiple experts such as engineers, computer scientists, and psychologists is crucial, particularly in the analysis phase, to generate task models for documentation and interface design, which inherently include a functional model of the process and/or machine.[5]

Structure design

The results of the analysis phase inform the structuring phase, where an abstract use model

basic structure of the interface.[7]


During the structuring phase, a hardware platform for the Useware must be chosen in parallel. This selection considers both the environmental demands of machine usage, such as pollution, noise, and vibration, and the users' requirements, including display size and optimal interaction devices. Additionally, economic factors play a role. For extensively networked models or those comprising numerous elements, adequate display size is essential for visualizing information structures. These considerations are influenced by user groups and usage contexts.[8]


During prototyping, developers need to choose a

paper prototypes or Microsoft PowerPoint


Continuous evaluation throughout the development process enables the early detection of product issues, thereby reducing development costs.[9] It's crucial to assess not only design aspects but also structural elements like navigational concepts during evaluation. Research indicates that 60% of all usage errors stem from structural deficiencies rather than poor design. Consequently, the evaluation phase must be viewed as a cross-sectional task throughout the entire development process. Therefore, integrating users into product development is paramount.


  1. ^
    ISSN 0044-2372
  2. . Retrieved 2023-09-23.
  3. .
  4. .
  5. ^ Hofmeister, Wernfried (2007). "Mehrschichtiges Edieren als neue Chance für die Sprachwissenschaft". Edition und Sprachgeschichte. DE GRUYTER. pp. 73–88. Retrieved 2023-09-23.
  6. ISSN 0737-8831
  7. .
  8. .
  9. ^ Bias, Randolph G. (2005). Cost-Justifying Usability. Elsevier. pp. 613–621. Retrieved 2023-09-23.

Further reading

  • Oberquelle, H. (2002): Useware Design and Evolution: Bridging Social Thinking and Software Construction. In: Y. Dittrich, C. Floyd, R. Klischewski (Hrsg.): Social Thinking–Software Practice, S. 391–408, Cambridge, London: MIT-Press
  • For further information see the Useware-Forum 17 March 2009