Variations on the name "Abegg"

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

\relative c'' {\new PianoStaff<<\new Staff{\key f \major\time 3/4\partial 4\tempo "Animato"<<a\mf a'(>> <<bes, bes'>> <<e, e'>> <<g, g'>> <<g,2-> g')>> <<gis,,4 gis'(>> <<a, a'>> <<c, c'>> <<f, f'>> \hideNotes f)}\new Staff{\clef "bass"\key f \major r4 e,,,8 <<bes' c e>> <<bes c e>> <<bes c e>> <<bes c e>> <<bes c e>> e, <<bes' c e>> <<bes c e>> <<bes c e>> <<bes c e>> <<bes c e>> f, <<a c f>> <<a, c f>> <<a, c f>> <<a, c f>> <<a, c f>> \hideNotes f}>>}
Opening measures

The Variations on the name "Abegg" in

tema" (Latin). Another suggestion is Pauline von Abegg. Apparently, when he was twenty years old, Schumann met her and dedicated this work to her, as witnessed in Clara Schumann
's edition of her husband's piano works.

The first five notes of the theme are A, B (B), E, G, and G. This use of pitch names as letters was also used by Schumann in other compositions, such as his Carnaval.

It is composed of:

Thema (Animato) (F major)
  1. (energico, F major)
  2. (il Basso parlando, F major)
  3. (corrente, F major)
  4. (cantabile, A-flat major)
  5. (Finale alla Fantasia. Vivace, F major)


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