Wikipedia:WikiProject SVG

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Welcome to WikiProject SVG! This is a brand new project that I'm hoping will catch on...
If you would like to join, feel free to let me know!

  • to make Wikipedia a more visually appealing place
  • to provide Wikipedia with high-quality vector graphics
  • to upload sourced logos—Brands of the World is not a good source—to Wikipedia's articles
  • to have fun? You decide. Lamest bullet point ever.

To add a gaussian blur to an SVG file (to create blurred objects, or a drop shadow), you can add this code into the existing XML code for the SVG file...

<filter id="Gaussian_Blur">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="3" />

Where stdDeviation="3" is the amount of blur. Then, add the following text into the object you are trying to add a blur to...



What is a reliable source for a logo? Brands of the World is not a reputable source. I have seen multiple incorrect or traced logos of companies uploaded to Wikipedia. I believe in properly sourced logos, and convert most of my logos from PDF files found on Google.


Wikipedia currently uses

PNGs. If you're on Windows, there's a guide to getting it here
if you'd like to test your SVGs out in it before uploading them (rsvg is fairly buggy so you could upload a perfect SVG file and find out that it doesn't work after Wikipedia puts it through rsvg).

For the future, when Wikipedia will hopefully support SVGs properly, or at least get a less buggy converter, you should test in the best quality SVG renderer. Right now, these are the

Batik renderer - you can see an up-to-date support chart here
if you want to keep informed on what renderer to use.
