Wolfgang Foerster

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Wolfgang Foerster (born 4 August 1875 in

William Shirer’s seminal book, “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich


Wolfgang Foerster, the younger brother of


He moved directly into the role of senior archivist at the Reichsarchiv. There, in 1931, Foerster became director of the history department and, then, in 1937, director of the Research Institute for Army and War History (Forschungsanstalt für Heeres- und Kriegsgeschichte), renamed the War History Research Institute (Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres) later that year. Finally, in 1944, he was awarded the title of professor; a position he held until his retirement the following year. He died on October 14, 1963, at the age of 88, in Icking.


Following the end of the

20 July Plot. The book was a source for William Shirer’s book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", and was especially important in explaining the events leading up the dismissal of General Werner von Blomberg, the Minister of War (Reichskriegsminister) and head of the Wehrmacht
, in early 1938.


  1. Die deutsche Westoffensive 1914 bis zur Marneschlacht. 1921.
  2. Die Ostoffensive 1915 in Galizien und in Rußland. 1921.
  3. Verdun 1916. 1921.
  • Moltke
    . Persönlichkeit und Werk
    . Limpert Verlag, Berlin 1941.
  • Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen. Denkwürdigkeiten aus seinem Leben. DVA, Stuttgart 1910/11 (2.Bde.).
  • Als Herausgeber: Kämpfer an vergessenen Fronten. Feldzugsbriefe, Kriegstagebücher und Berichte. Kolonialkrieg, Seekrieg, Luftkrieg, Spionage, Berlin (Deutsche Buchvertriebsstelle. Abteilung für Veröffentlichungen aus amtlichen Archiven) 1931.


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  1. ^ Ehren-Rangliste des ehemaligen Deutschen Heeres [in German], Hrsg.: Deutscher Offizier-Bund, E. S. Mittler & Sohn, Berlin 1926, S. 44