Kaitag textiles

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An early 19th century Kaitag textile

Kaitag textiles are an unusual

Matisse and Paul Klee, though it is unlikely that either artist ever saw a Kaitag textile. Surviving examples are mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries. These embroideries were apparently made for local use in weddings, funerals, and for cradle trappings.[1]


  • <Textile Gallery (London), 1996, Textile Art of the Caucasus, exhibit catalog, privately printed. Primary source.


  1. ^ "Daghestan's Kaitag Embroideries – and Henri Matisse?". artwis. March 1, 2008. Archived from the original on July 25, 2014.

Further reading

    • Chenciner, Robert (1993). Kaitag, Textile Art from Daghestan. Textile & Art Publications. .

External links