Alliance Base

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Alliance Base was the cover name for a secret Western

September 11, 2001 attacks
, this organisation also engaged in operations.

International cooperation between intelligence agencies

Its existence was first revealed by a November 17, 2005, article by

German law.[2]

Alliance Base also takes advantage of the "harsh laws" of France concerning

FBI." Dana Priest described the working of Alliance Base, writing that "The CIA brings money from its classified and ever-growing 'foreign liaison' account — it has paid to transport some of France's suspects from abroad into Paris for legal imprisonment' [thus rendering them to France] — and its global eavesdropping capabilities and worldwide intelligence service ties." France, on the other hand, "brings its harsh laws, surveillance of radical Muslim groups and their network in Arab states, and its intelligence links to its former colonies".[2]

By reporting information to its counterparts, French intelligence agencies helped the US convict Ahmed Ressam, arrested in 1999, as well as Zacarias Moussaoui, who lived a long time in France.[2]

In the days following the 9/11 attacks, President

French secret services ordering them to share information with US counterparts "as if they were your own service," according to two officials who read it and were cited by Dana Priest. According to The Washington Post investigative reporter, the arrest of Christian Ganczarski, alleged to be a senior Al Qaeda leader, was one of the 12 major operations it conducted during its first years. Since the end of 2001, France has detained about 60 suspects, some with the help of the CIA, according to a CIA veteran cited by Priest.[2]

Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DST), said "There's easy exchange of information. The cooperation between my service and the American service is candid, loyal and certainly effective." Jean-Louis Brugière, on the other hand, was quoted by Dana Priest as saying that "The relations between intelligence agencies in the United States and France has been good, even during the transatlantic dispute over Iraq, for practical reasons".[2]

CIA, has claimed that the cooperation between the DGSE and the CIA "is one of the best of the world".[3]

Christian Ganczarski and Ahmed Medhi

Christian Ganczarski, a German convert to Islam, took an Air France flight from Riyadh on June 3, 2003, back to Germany, with a change of planes in Paris. But he was secretly followed on board by an undercover officer. In Paris' airport, a senior CIA officer was waiting for him, while French authorities separated him from his family and arrested him, on charges of association with terrorists. This operation was conceived at the Alliance Base.[2]

On May 20, 2003, Alliance Base learned that Ahmed Mehdi, who lived near Ganczarski in Germany, was about to travel for a 14-day vacation to

BND thought that he was planning an attack, they had not enough evidence to arrest him. The CIA arranged someone to suggest that Mehdi stop in Paris on his way to La Réunion. The French services clandestinely helped him to have a visa, while the Germans monitored calls and contacts. On June 1, 2003, he was arrested by French authorities at Charles de Gaulle Airport and sent to Fresnes Prison. Two days later, Ganczarski was also there.[2]

Following interrogations of both men, investigators suspected that they had links with the

National Assembly that "This arrest took place thanks to the perfect collaboration between the services of the great democracies."[2][5]


See also