Four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Four Hitokiri of the Bakumatsu (幕末四大人斬り, Bakumatsu Yondai Hitokiri) was a term given to four

Meiji Emperor). These four samurai were warrior elite and widely considered undefeatable by normal people. The word hitokiri literally means "manslayer" or "man cutter,"[3]
as the kanji 人 means person, while 斬 can alternatively mean slay or cut.

In fiction


  1. ^ 『歴史ポケット人物新聞 回天ふたたび 坂本龍馬』p95 及川拓哉著 大空出版 2008年8月1日
  2. ^ 小日向えり (2010). イケメン幕末史 (in Japanese). PHP研究所.
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