Jacques Viret

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Jacques Viret
Jacques Viret in May 2014
Born19 October 1943
Music educator

Jacques Viret (born 19 October 1943) is a contemporary French

of Swiss origin.


Born in Lausanne, Viret is a pianist and organist, graduated in classic literature from the University of Lausanne, habilitated for the teaching of music theory (Société suisse de pédagogie musicale), Jacques Viret perfected his studies in musicology at the Paris-Sorbonne University, with Jacques Chailley who conducted his Ph.D. thesis on gregorian chant (1981). Since 1972, Jacques Viret has been teaching musicology at the university of Strasbourg, as an assistant and then lecturer and professor, emeritus since 2009.[1]

Gregorian chant and medieval music

The research and reflection of Jacques Viret refer essentially to the notion of tradition as defined by

range (ut, , mi, taken from the hymn to Saint John the Baptist Ut queant laxis) and of which Jacques Chailley completed the explanation.[2][3]

The official

neumes by Dom Eugène Cardine [fr] and his pupils ("Gregorian semiotics", musical palaeography). It is a comparativism tributary to ethnomusicology, insofar as it relates to each other the writings of the Middle Ages (noted manuscripts, treaties) and the traditions currently alive. This approach is also illustrated by the work of Hungarian musicologist Benjámin Rajeczky, as well as by the interpretations of Marcel Pérès.[4]

According to the same spirit, the series Diaphonia, created by Jacques Viret in 2000 with the "À Cœur Joie" publishing house in Lyon, provides amateur choristers with a repertoire of medieval songs transcribed in modern musical notation so as to restore all the finenesses of the original notations and add data which are not included therein and come from other sources.[5][6][7]

An integral science of music

The work of Jacques Viret is based on a rigorous investigation from sources, as required by scientific musicology. However, they broaden the



Carl Gustav Jung's psychology, Gestalt psychology, analytical psychology, transpersonal psychology, neuropsychology). It ramifies towards aesthetics, acoustics, hermeneutics, symbolism, metaphysics, sociology, music therapy, pedagogy, psycho - pedagogy, and rhetoric, and includes research on the interpretation (Aufführungspraxis) allowing to execute the old repertoires according to their authenticity. It revalues the orality as a living vehicle of traditional practices and knowledge, bearing precious values: vital, human, spiritual (cf. Marcel Jousse). This broad, open, spiritualist conception of musical science confers their originality to the works that Jacques Viret has published since 2004 at éditions Pardès [fr], about gregorian chant, Medieval music, Richard Wagner, musicothérapy, Baroque music, and opera. Among the transverse problems that they expose, one will particularly mention that of singing in relation (vocal, rhythmic, emotional) with the speech, as the most direct expression of the feeling or musical instinct, and this, from the early childhood (spontaneous childish chantings where emerge elementary musical materials, melodic and rhythmic archetypes).[9]


  • 1981: Aloÿs Fornerod, ou le musicien et le pays, Lausanne, Cahiers de la Renaissance Vaudoise
  • 1986: Le Chant grégorien, musique de la parole sacrée, Lausanne, Éditions L'Âge d'Homme
  • 1987: La Modalité grégorienne, un langage pour quel message ?, Lyon, À Cœur Joie [fr], augmented reissue in 1996.
  • 1988: Le Symbolisme de la gamme – L'hymne UT QUEANT LAXIS et ses quatre cryptogrammes (in collaboration with Jacques Chailley), Paris, in
    La Revue Musicale
  • 1990–1992. La musique d'orgue du XVIe et son interprétation, five articles, L'Orgue francophone
  • 1992: Regards sur la musique vocale de la Renaissance italienne, Lyon, À Cœur Joie
  • 1993–1994: Aux sources de l’expression musicale : la créativité mélodique enfantine, three articles, L’Éducation musicale
  • 2000: Les Premières Polyphonies, 800–1100, Lyon, À Cœur Joie, (Diaphonia 1)
  • 2001: Le Chant grégorien et la tradition grégorienne, Lausanne, L'Âge d'Homme
  • 2001: Approches herméneutiques de la musique (dir. J. Viret), Presses universitaires de Strasbourg [fr]
  • 2001: L’École de Notre-Dame et ses conduits polyphoniques, Lyon, à Cœur Joie, (Diaphonia 2).
  • 2004: B.A.-BA du chant grégorien, éditions Pardès
  • 2005: B.A.-BA de la musique médiévale, éditions Pardès
  • 2005: Le « Libre Vermell » de Montserrat, Lyon, À Cœur Joie, (Diaphonia 3).
  • 2005: Métamorphoses de l’harmonie : la musique occidentale et la Tradition, in Les Pouvoirs de la musique, à l’écoute du sacré, dossier de la revue Connaissance des Religions, Paris, Éditions Dervy [fr]
  • 2006: Qui suis-je ? Wagner, éditions Pardès, 2006.
  • 2006: De la Musique et des Vaudois, itinéraire photographique 1905-2005, Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire
  • 2007: B.A.-BA de la musicothérapie,[10] éditions Pardès
  • 2008: B.A.-BA de la musique baroque, éditions Pardès
  • 2009: B.A.-BA de l'opéra, éditions Pardès
  • 2012: Le chant grégorien,[11]Eyrolles [fr], 206 p. (CD audio inserted: 75 min).
  • 2012: Philologie musicale et modes grégoriens : de la théorie à l’instinct in Musurgia, vol. XIX/1-3 (hommage to Jacques Chailley), (pp. 103–121)
  • 2017: Les deux chemins, Dialogue sur la musique, (in collaboration with Aurelio Porfiri), Hong Kong, Chorabooks


  1. ^ A Different Musical Understanding on ifcm.net
  2. ^ Cf. Viret 1986, 1987, 2001 (Le Chant grégorien…), 2004 ; Viret/Chailley 1988.
  3. ^ Jacques Viret sur l’harmonie, ou la musique du monde on philitt.fr
  4. ^ « La musique contre le nihilisme » on Le Figaro
  5. ^ "Gream unistra, Biographie". Archived from the original on 2017-03-20. Retrieved 2017-07-04.
  6. ^ Revue Ultreia
  7. ^ La galerie.com
  8. ^ Jacques Viret et Jean-Baptiste Mersiol, le chant grégorien retrouvé de Solesmes on L'Alsace
  9. ^ Cf. Viret 2001 (Le Chant grégorien…).
  10. ^ B.A.-BA de la musicothérapie
  11. ^ Le chant grégorien

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