Latinisation of names

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Latinisation (or Latinization)

Cyrillic). For authors writing in Latin, this change allows the name to function grammatically in a sentence through declension

In a scientific context, the main purpose of Latinisation may be to produce a name which is internationally consistent.

Latinisation may be carried out by:

Personal names

Frontispiece of a 1743 legal text by Barnabé Brisson shows his name Latinised in the genitive Barnabae Brissonii ('of Barnabas Brissonius'). Barnabas is itself a Greek version of an Aramaic name.

Humanist names, assumed by

Melanchthon) they invoked Ancient Greek. Latinisation in humanist names may consist of translation from vernacular European languages, sometimes involving a playful element of punning. Such names could be a cover for humble social origins.[2]

The title of the "Wilhelmus", national anthem of the Netherlands, preserves a Latinised form of the name of William the Silent.[3]

Place names

In English, place names often appear in Latinised form. This is a result of many early text books mentioning the places being written in Latin. Because of this, the English language often uses Latinised forms of foreign place names instead of anglicised forms or the original names.

Examples of Latinised names for countries or regions are:

  • Estonia (Estonian name Eesti, Dutch/German/Scandinavian name Estland, i.e. 'land of the Aesti')
  • Ingria (Finnish Inkerinmaa, German/Scandinavian Ingermanland, i.e. 'land of the Ingermans', the local tribe)
  • Livs
    ', the local tribe)
  • and evolved into modern Welsh, Cornish, and Breton (Brezhoneg)

Scientific names

Latinisation is a common practice for

scientific names. For example, Livistona, the name of a genus of palm trees, is a Latinisation of Livingstone

Historical background

During the age of the

substantives, particularly proper nouns, could easily be declined by Latin speakers with minimal modification of the original word.[4]

During the

Roman Catholic Church
, for which Latin was the primary written language. In the early medieval period, most European scholars were priests and most educated people spoke Latin, and as a result, Latin became firmly established as the scholarly language for the West.

By the early 19th century, Europe had largely abandoned Latin as a scholarly language (most scientific studies and scholarly publications are printed in English), but a variety of fields still use Latin terminology as the norm. By tradition, it is still common in some fields to name new discoveries in Latin. And because Western science became dominant during the 18th and 19th centuries, the use of Latin names in many scholarly fields has gained worldwide acceptance, at least when European languages are being used for communication.


  1. ^ a b "Latinize – definition of Latinize in English". Oxford Dictionaries. Archived from the original on October 27, 2017.
  2. University of Munich. Archived from the original
    on Jun 5, 2013. Retrieved 2013-03-21.
  3. ^ – "Facts About National Anthems".
  4. ^ "Declension of Greek Substantives in Latin". Later Latin Society. Informalmusic. Retrieved 2015-07-14.


  • Nicolson, Dan H. (1974). "Orthography of Names and Epithets: Latinization of Personal Names". Taxon. 23 (4). International Association for Plant Taxonomy: 549–561.
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