Li Delun

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Li Delun (

conductor who devoted his life to the promotion of classical music in China
. Hailed as the father of China’s classical music, the Li Delun National Conducting Competition was named after him in honour of his contribution to the development of classical music in China.


In 1946, with support from

's Fifth Symphony in a concert commemorating the 150th anniversary of Beethoven's death. The event broke the ban on public performances of western music and drew worldwide attention and signaled the reemergence of classical music in China.

In 1979, Maestro Li joined hands with American violinist

Fou Tsong, Liu Shikun, Yin Chengzong and many others. The China Central Philharmonic Society traveled the world performing under his baton, and he guest-conducted numerous international orchestras, including the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and Vancouver Symphony Orchestra
in 1986 and 1989 respectively.

Maestro Li's professional and philanthropic work earned him rewards and accolades around the world. He adjudicated for the International

Tchaikovsky Cello Competition in Moscow in 1990 and the Yehudi Menuhin International Competition for Young Violinists in Paris. Some of his many awards include the Liszt Medal of Decoration awarded by Hungarian government and the Presidential Friendship Medal conferred by former Russian President Boris Yeltsin

Li believed that classical music was not rarefied art for the upper class but rather something to be enjoyed by all. He was a tireless advocate for classical music and spent his free time lecturing on the subject of music enjoyment throughout China, presenting its beauty and sophistication with a simple and humorous delivery to university students and factory workers alike, making it appealing to the younger generation as well as the general public. On October 19, 2001, Li Delun died at age 84 in a Beijing hospital.


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