List of Major National Historical and Cultural Sites in Anhui

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This list is of

People's Republic of China.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Site Chinese name Location Designation Image
Headquarters of the New Fourth Army Xinsijun junbu jiuzhi 新四军军部旧址 Jing County 1-27 Upload file
Ming Central Capital and Rock Carvings of the Imperial Mausoleum Ming zhongdu huang gucheng ji Huangling shike 明中都皇故城及皇陵石刻 Fengyang County 2-55 Upload file
Anfengtang (Quebei) Anfeng tang 安丰塘 (Quebei 芍陂) Shou County 3-53 Upload file
Hu Clan Ancestral Temple in Longchuan Longchuan Hushi zongci 龙川胡氏宗祠 Jixi County 3-84 Upload file
Dwellings in Qiankou Qiankou minzhai 潜口民宅 Huangshan 3-88 Upload file
Xuguo Stone Arch Xu Guo shifang 许国石坊 She County 3-102 Upload file
Huaxilou Huaxilou 花戏楼 Bozhou 3-131 Upload file
Twin Pagodas of Guangjiao Temple Guangjiao si shuang ta 广教寺双塔 Xuancheng 3-145 Upload file
Site of Hexian Man Hexian yuanren yizhi 和县猿人遗址 He County 3-184 Upload file
Xuejiagang Site Xuejiagang yizhi 薛家岗遗址
Qianshan County
4-9 Upload file
Copper Mines of Dagongshan and Fenghuangshan Dagongshan - Fenghuangshan tongkuang yizhi 大工山—凤凰山铜矿遗址 Nanling County 4-27 Upload file
Stone Arches in Tangyue Tangyue shipai fangqun 棠樾石牌坊群 She County 4-141 Upload file
Laowu Ge and Lürao Pavilion Laowu ge ji Lürao ting 老屋阁及绿绕亭 Huangshan 4-142 Upload file
Luo Dongshu Tremple Luo Dongshu ci 罗东舒祠 Huangshan 4-143 Upload file
Command Post of the Crossing-the-Yangtze Campaign Dujiang zhanyi zong qianwei jiuzhi 渡江战役总前委旧址 Feidong County 4-248 Upload file
Chenshan Site Chenshan yizhi 陈山遗址 Xuancheng 5-44 Upload file
Lingjiatan Site Lingjiatan yizhi 凌家滩遗址 Hanshan County 5-45 Upload file
Yuchisi Site Yuchisi yizhi 尉迟寺遗址 Mengcheng County 5-46 Upload file
Shouchun cheng yizhi 寿春城遗址 Shou County 5-47 Upload file
Shouzhou Kiln Site Shouzhou yao yizhi 寿州窑遗址 Huainan 5-48 Upload file
Liuzi dock on the Grand Canal Liuzi yunhe matou yizhi 柳孜运河码头遗址 Suixi County 5-49 Upload file
Fanchang Kiln Site Fanchang yao yizhi 繁昌窑遗址
Fanchang County
5-50 Upload file
Burial Mounds of South Anhui Wannan tudun muqun 皖南土墩墓群 Nanling County 5-164 Upload file
Cao Family Tombs Caoshi jiazu qumun 曹氏家族墓群 Bozhou 5-165 Upload file
Zhu Ran Family cemetery Zhu Ran jiazu mudi 朱然家族墓地 Ma'anshan 5-166 Upload file
Twin Pagodas of Shuixi Shuixi shuang ta 水西双塔 Jing County 5-314 Upload file
Ancient Tunnels in Bozhou Bozhou gu didao 亳州古地道 Bozhou 5-315 Upload file
Baiyazhai Baiyazhai 白崖寨 Susong County 5-316 Upload file
Three Houses of the Cheng Family Chengshi sanzhai 程氏三宅 Huangshan 5-317 Upload file
Old Architecture of Chengkan Chengkancun gu jianzhuqun 呈坎村古建筑群 Huangshan 5-318 Upload file
Yuliang Dam Yuliang ba 渔梁坝 She County 5-319 Upload file
Old Architecture of Hongcun Hongcun gu jianzhuqun 宏村古建筑群 Yi County 5-320 Upload file
Old Architecture of Xidi Xidi cun gu jianzhuqun 西递村古建筑群 29°54′16″N 117°59′15″E / 29.90444444°N 117.9875°E / 29.90444444; 117.9875 Yi County 5-321 Upload file
City Wall of Shouxian Shouxian gu chengqiang 寿县古城墙 Shou County 5-322 Upload file
Old Architecture of Zhaji Chaji gu jianzhuqun 查济古建筑群 Jing County 5-323 Upload file
Rock Carvings of Mount Tianzhu Tianzhushan shangu liuquan moya shike 天柱山山谷流泉摩崖石刻
Qianshan County
5-452 Upload file
Renzi Cave Renzi dong yizhi 人字洞遗址
Fanchang County
6-93 Upload file
Linhuan City ruins Linhuan chengzhi 临涣城址 Suixi County 6-94 Upload file
Tomb of Li Bai Li Bai mu 李白墓 Dangtu County 6-252 Upload file
Wanfo Pagoda Mengcheng Wanfota 蒙城万佛塔 Mengcheng County 6-567 Upload file
Old Architecture of Xucun Xucun gu jianzhuqun 许村古建筑群 She County 6-568 Upload file
Old Stage of Qimen Qimen gu xitai 祁门古戏台 Qimen County 6-569 Upload file
Old Architecture of Nanping Village Nanpingcun gu jianzhuqun 南屏村古建筑群 Yi County 6-570 Upload file
Old Architecture of Jiangcun Jiangcun gu jianzhuqun 江村古建筑群 Jingde County 6-571 Upload file
Zhenfeng Pagoda Zhenfeng ta 振风塔 30°30′13″N 117°02′57″E / 30.503596°N 117.04926°E / 30.503596; 117.04926 Anqing 6-572 Upload file
Sanhuaitang in Xitou Xitou Sanhuaitang 溪头三槐堂 Xiuning County 6-573 Upload file
Zheng Clan Ancestral Temple Zheng shi zingci 郑氏宗祠 She County 6-574 Upload file
Zhushan Academy Zhushan shuyuan 竹山书院 She County 6-575 Upload file
Old Architecture of Huangtian Village Huangtiancun gu jianzhuqun 黄田村古建筑群 Jing County 6-576 Upload file
Shitaishidi Shitaishidi 世太史第 Anqing 6-577 Upload file
Rock Carvings of Mount Qiyun Qiyunshan shike 齐云山石刻 Xiuning County 6-825 Upload file
Former Residence of Liu Mingchuan Liu Mingchuan jiuju 刘铭传旧居 Feixi County 6-957 Upload file
Li Family Residence Li shi zhuangyuan 李氏庄园 Huoqiu County 6-958 Upload file
Former Residence of Feng Yuxiang Feng Yuxiang jiuju 冯玉祥旧居
6-959 Upload file
Site of the Battle of Banta Banta baowei zhan jiuzhi 半塔保卫战旧址 Lai'an County 6-960 Upload file
Command Post of the
Huaihai Campaign
and the East China Field Army
Huaihai zhanyi zong qianwei he Huadong yezhanjun zhihuibu jiuzhi 淮海战役总前委和华东野战军指挥部旧址 Suixi County 6-961 Upload file

See also
