Markland (Scots)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A markland or merkland (

Scottish Gaelic: Marg-fhearainn) is an old Scottish
unit of land measurement.

There was some local variation in the equivalences; for example, in some places eight

Scots mark or merk was 13s 4d (160 pence), but the Scottish coinage depreciated against the English, and by the 18th century a Scots merk was worth only 131/3d sterling – one-twelfth of its original value. Although such coins were abolished by the Acts of Union 1707
, some stayed in circulation for decades, and the names themselves remained in common use for centuries.

See also


  • This article incorporates text from Dwelly's [Scottish] Gaelic Dictionary (1911). ((Dabhach, Peighinn, Unga) with corrections and additions).