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Micrasterias furcata
Scientific classification Edit this classification
(unranked): Viridiplantae
(unranked): Charophyta
Class: Zygnematophyceae
Order: Desmidiales
Family: Desmidiaceae
Genus: Micrasterias
C.Agardh ex Ralfs
Type species
Micrasterias furcata
C.Agardh ex Ralfs

See text.

Micrasterias is a

green alga of the order Desmidiales
. Its species vary in size reaching up to hundreds of microns.

Micrasterias displays a bilateral symmetry, with two mirror image semi-cells joined by a narrow isthmus containing the nucleus of the organism. This dual semi-cell structure is unique to the group of green algae to which Micrasterias belongs. Each semi-cell contains a single large chloroplast, the site of photosynthesis for Micrasterias. Chloroplasts within Micrasterias contain

which are embedded in the chloroplast. They convert the sugar to a starch for storage.

Micrasterias can produce both asexually and sexually. Asexual reproduction occurs via mitosis. When this occurs the genetic material of Micrasterias is duplicated and two small semi-cells grow between the original semi-cells, gradually increasing in size. Sexual reproduction occurs through a process called conjugation whereby two organisms come together and fuse their haploid cells to form a diploid zygote. This zygote typically forms a thick protective wall which can allow the organism to remain dormant for many months to survive cold winters and long droughts. When adequate conditions resume, the zygospore will germinate, undergo meiosis, and produce new haploid algal cells.


Micrasterias species are symmetrical and generally consist of two flattened, identical portions called semicells that are almost entirely filled with


Two species of Micrasterias have different morphologies to species traditionally placed in this genus, but molecular phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that they are embedded within Micrasterias.[1] Micrasterias ralfsii (formerly classified as Cosmarium ralfsii) has no lobes, and the cells are smoothly ellipsoidal in outline. Micrasterias dickiei (formerly classified as Staurodesmus dickiei) is triradiate in polar view instead of flattened, and has three spines on each semicell.[2]

Similar genera

Micrasterias is generally easy to identify due to its shape and typically large size.[3]

The genus Pseudomicrasterias has been split off from the genus Micrasterias, and as of 2023, contains 2 species, formerly known as Micrasterias arcuata. They have a similar morphology to the simpler species of Micrasterias, but molecular phylogenetic analyses show that they are not related.[4]

The genus Prescottiella contains a single species, Prescottiella sudanensis, formerly known as Micrasterias sudanensis. It is distinguished from Micrasterias in that its semicells are not identical, making the cell asymmetrical along one axis; the spines of one semicell curve towards the isthmus, while the spines of the other semicell curve away.[5]


Accepted species

Micrasterias rotata

Micrasterias comprises the following species:[2]

Species names with uncertain taxonomic status

The status of the following species is unresolved:[2]

  • Micrasterias aculeata M.Rostock
  • Micrasterias berganii H.V.Hauge
  • Micrasterias bicaudata (A.K.H.Braun ex Kützing) Kuntze
  • Micrasterias bioctonaria G.Rabenhorst
  • Micrasterias boryana (P.J.F.Turpin) Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias boryi Kützing
  • Micrasterias braunii (C.W.Nägeli ex Kützing) Kuntze
  • Micrasterias comperei R.S.Ganem & P.A.C.Senna
  • Micrasterias complecta C.G.T.Preuss
  • Micrasterias convoluta (A.K.J.Corda) Kuntze
  • Micrasterias cordae A.Braun
  • Micrasterias coronula Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias cruciata Kützing
  • Micrasterias crucigenia Kützing
  • Micrasterias decemdentatum (C.W.Nägeli) W.Archer
  • Micrasterias denticula Istvanfy
  • Micrasterias duplex (Meyen) Kützing
  • Micrasterias ecornis Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias eichleri Schmidle
  • Micrasterias enneactis Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias extendens W.B.Turner
  • Micrasterias falcata Corda
  • Micrasterias floridensis R.K.Salisbury
  • Micrasterias galeata Borge
  • Micrasterias ghibellina Meneghini
  • Micrasterias granulata H.C.Wood
  • Micrasterias halis Raciborski
  • Micrasterias hamata (Wolle) F.C.E.Børgesen
  • Micrasterias heliactis Kützing
  • Micrasterias heptactis Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias hermanniana Reinsch
  • Micrasterias hexactis Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias hexagona G.W.Grant
  • Micrasterias hexagonalis F.Steinecke
  • Micrasterias kangofurinensis N.Woodhead & R.D.Tweed
  • Micrasterias lacerata Kützing
  • Micrasterias margaritifera (P.J.F.Turpin) L.A.Brébisson & P.Godet
  • Micrasterias mbugensis E.M.Lind
  • Micrasterias melitensis G.G.A.Meneghini
  • Micrasterias mohii (Borge) Authority Unknown
  • Micrasterias multifida Wolle
  • Micrasterias napoleonis (P.J.F.Turpin) Kützing
  • Micrasterias nordstetiana Wolle
  • Micrasterias oblonga Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias ornamentalis O.Borge
  • Micrasterias paradoxa Kützing
  • Micrasterias platyptera W.B.Turner
  • Micrasterias polonica (B.Eichler & R.Gutwinski) West & G.S.West
  • Micrasterias polycyclia G.Rabenhorst
  • Micrasterias pseudofurcata Wolle
  • Micrasterias quadragies-cuspidata (Corda) Ralfs
  • Micrasterias renicarpa (Turpin) Kützing
  • Micrasterias ricciaeformis C.Agardh
  • Micrasterias robusta West & G.S.West
  • Micrasterias rosula Kützing
  • Micrasterias selenaea Kützing
  • Micrasterias senaria Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias simplex (Meyen) Kützing
  • Micrasterias simplex Wolle
  • Micrasterias simplex Kurt Förster & F.Eckert
  • Micrasterias sinuata L.A.Brébisson
  • Micrasterias siolii A.M.Scott & Croasdale
  • Micrasterias sphaerastrum Kützing
  • Micrasterias staurastrum Kützing
  • Micrasterias subfimbriata Wolle
  • Micrasterias sublagoensis Kurt Förster & F.Eckert
  • Micrasterias tetracera Kützing
  • Micrasterias tricera Kützing
  • Micrasterias tricyclia Ehrenberg
  • Micrasterias trigemina E.H.P.A.Haeckel
  • Micrasterias upsaliensis (Cleve) W.Archer


Modern molecular phylogenetics suggest the following relationships (not all accepted species are included):[1]

Clade F

Micrasterias tropica

Clade G

Micrasterias foliacea

Micrasterias radiosa var. swainei

Micrasterias tetraptera

Clade H

Staurastrum (outgroup)

Even though Triploceras was recovered as embedded within Micrasterias, there was low statistical support for this placement, so it remains a separate genus.[1][6][7][8][9]

Habitat and distribution

As with other desmids, Micrasterias grows in

freshwater habitats. It prefers oligotrophic to mesotrophic lakes and bogs, often associated with aquatic plants.[3]

Freshwater microalgae, along with other microscopic organisms, are often presumed to be

endemic to North America, while Micrasterias ceratofera is restricted to Southeast Asia and northern Australia.[11]


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