Open mapping theorem (functional analysis)

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open map

Classical (Banach space) form

Open mapping theorem for Banach spaces (Rudin 1973, Theorem 2.11) — If and are Banach spaces and is a surjective continuous linear operator, then is an open map (that is, if is an open set in then is open in ).

This proof uses the Baire category theorem, and completeness of both and is essential to the theorem. The statement of the theorem is no longer true if either space is just assumed to be a normed vector space, but is true if and are taken to be Fréchet spaces.


Suppose is a surjective continuous linear operator. In order to prove that is an open map, it is sufficient to show that maps the open

unit ball
in to a neighborhood of the origin of

Let Then

Since is surjective:

But is Banach so by

Baire's category theorem

That is, we have and such that

Let then

By continuity of addition and linearity, the difference satisfies and by linearity again,

where we have set It follows that for all and all there exists some such that

Our next goal is to show that

Let By (1), there is some with and Define a sequence inductively as follows. Assume:

Then by (1) we can pick so that: so (2) is satisfied for Let

From the first inequality in (2), is a Cauchy sequence, and since is complete, converges to some By (2), the sequence tends to and so by continuity of Also,

This shows that belongs to so as claimed. Thus the image of the unit ball in contains the open ball of Hence, is a neighborhood of the origin in and this concludes the proof.

Related results

Theorem[2] — Let and be Banach spaces, let and denote their open unit balls, and let be a bounded linear operator. If then among the following four statements we have (with the same )

  1. for all ;
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. (that is, is surjective).

Furthermore, if is surjective then (1) holds for some


The open mapping theorem has several important consequences:

  • If is a
    continuous linear operator between the Banach spaces and then the inverse operator is continuous as well (this is called the bounded inverse theorem).[3]
  • If is a linear operator between the Banach spaces and and if for every sequence in with and it follows that then is continuous (the closed graph theorem).[4]


Local convexity of or  is not essential to the proof, but completeness is: the theorem remains true in the case when and are F-spaces. Furthermore, the theorem can be combined with the Baire category theorem in the following manner:

Open mapping theorem for continuous maps[5][6] — Let be a continuous linear operator from a complete pseudometrizable TVS onto a Hausdorff TVS If is

in then is a (surjective) open map and is a complete pseudometrizable TVS. Moreover, if is assumed to be hausdorff (i.e. a F-space), then is also an F-space.

Furthermore, in this latter case if is the kernel of then there is a canonical factorization of in the form where is the quotient space (also an F-space) of by the closed subspace The quotient mapping is open, and the mapping is an isomorphism of topological vector spaces.[7]

An important special case of this theorem can also be stated as

Theorem[8] — Let and be two F-spaces. Then every continuous linear map of onto is a TVS homomorphism, where a linear map is a topological vector space (TVS) homomorphism if the induced map is a TVS-isomorphism onto its image.

On the other hand, a more general formulation, which implies the first, can be given:

Open mapping theorem[6] — Let be a surjective linear map from a complete pseudometrizable TVS onto a TVS and suppose that at least one of the following two conditions is satisfied:

  1. is a Baire space, or
  2. is
    locally convex
    and is a barrelled space,

If is a

closed linear operator
then is an open mapping. If is a continuous linear operator and is Hausdorff then is (a closed linear operator and thus also) an open mapping.

Nearly/Almost open linear maps

A linear map between two topological vector spaces (TVSs) is called a nearly open map (or sometimes, an almost open map) if for every neighborhood of the origin in the domain, the closure of its image is a neighborhood of the origin in [9] Many authors use a different definition of "nearly/almost open map" that requires that the closure of be a neighborhood of the origin in rather than in [9] but for surjective maps these definitions are equivalent. A bijective linear map is nearly open if and only if its inverse is continuous.[9] Every surjective linear map from locally convex TVS onto a barrelled TVS is nearly open.[10] The same is true of every surjective linear map from a TVS onto a Baire TVS.[10]

Open mapping theorem[11] — If a closed surjective linear map from a complete pseudometrizable TVS onto a Hausdorff TVS is nearly open then it is open.


Theorem[12] — If is a continuous linear bijection from a complete Pseudometrizable topological vector space (TVS) onto a Hausdorff TVS that is a Baire space, then is a homeomorphism (and thus an isomorphism of TVSs).

Webbed spaces

Webbed spaces are a class of topological vector spaces for which the open mapping theorem and the closed graph theorem hold.

See also


  1. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 166.
  2. ^ Rudin 1991, p. 100.
  3. ^ Rudin 1973, Corollary 2.12.
  4. ^ Rudin 1973, Theorem 2.15.
  5. ^ Rudin 1991, Theorem 2.11.
  6. ^ a b Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 468.
  7. ^ Dieudonné 1970, 12.16.8.
  8. ^ Trèves 2006, p. 170
  9. ^ a b c Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 466.
  10. ^ a b Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 467.
  11. ^ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, pp. 466−468.
  12. ^ Narici & Beckenstein 2011, p. 469.


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