Prince-Bishopric of Ratzeburg

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Prince-Bishopric of Ratzeburg
Hochstift Ratzeburg
also: Fürstbistum Ratzeburg
Coat of arms of Ratzeburg
Coat of arms
exclave of
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Duchy of Saxony Duchy of Saxony

The Prince-Bishopric of Ratzeburg (



County of Ratezeburg and the Land of Butin


Vogt von Ratzeburg (1162). He was succeeded by his son, Bernard I, Count of Ratzeburg
. The title died out at the beginning of the thirteenth century with the death of Bernard's grandson, Bernard III.

The Land of Boitin was first mentioned in 1158 in the endowment document by Henry the Lion as Butin[1].. The name goes back to the Bytiner Polabian people.[2] As a result of a sound change still detectable in the Drawenopolabian language, y became oi, Bytin became Boitin.[3]

The boundaries of the Land of Boitin are described in the endowment deed as follows:

Carlow and in the forest called Riepser Sumpf, in the direction of Schlagsdorf and from there along of the Lenschower Bach up to its confluence with the Wakenitz

The Land of Boitin thus roughly encompassed the area of today's municipalities of


Erection of prince-bishopric

Georg von Blumenthal, the last Catholic Prince-Bishop (1490–1550)

In 1236 the

ex officio. Succeeding prince-bishops retained this jurisdiction despite attempts by the dukes of Saxe-Lauenburg made to deprive them of it. At the beginning of the 14th century, under Bishop Markward von Jesowe
, the Ratzeburg bishops began to round off the Boitin region.


During the

in 1554, he retained possession of the prince-bishopric. The capitulars deliberately ignored the ducal Saxe-Lauenburgian candidates, sons of the duke, fearing the prince-bishopric would then be incorporated into Saxe-Lauenburg.

Prince-Bishop Georg von Blumenthal (1524–50), who feuded with Thomas Aderpul, was the last Catholic bishop. In 1552, the cathedral was plundered by Count Volrad von Mansfeld. By the terms of the Peace of Westphalia, the prince-bishopric was secularized in 1648 becoming the Principality of Ratzeburg. The principality was under the control of the Dukes of Mecklenburg. In 1701 the principality became an exclave of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.


  1. ^ MUB I, Nr. 65 (Online, p. 56, at Google Books)
  2. ISSN 0259-7772, S. 3–168, hier S. 7, 25 und 27 (Online
  3. , pp. 3-168, here p. 4, equates Bytiner and Bethenzer.
  4. ^ Translation for Rivulo Ducis. Compare Hertogenbeke with: G. M. C. Masch: History of the Bishopric of Ratzeburg. Asschenfeldt, Lübeck 1835, (Online, p. 130, at Google Books).
  5. ^ The countries of Boitin and Gadebusch together